Page:Ambulance 464 by Julien Bryan.djvu/275

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Franc: coin worth about twenty cents. The standard of French money.

Fromage: cheese.

Fusée: a fuse, usually a time fuse.

Genie (Soldats du-): sappers and miners—engineers.

G.B.D.: divisional stretcher company.

Grands blessés: seriously wounded men.

Guerre: war.

Hors d'oeuvres: small appetizer, sardines, pickles, etc., served at the beginning of a meal.

H.O.E.: evacuation hospital.

Kilogramme: a measure of weight, a trifle over two pounds.

Kilometre: a distance, about three fifths of a mile.

Kilo: abbreviation used for either.

Malade: sick.

Marraine: literally, a god-mother; used of a girl who sends letters and packages to some man at the front.

Marseillaise: the French National anthem.

Médecin-chef: medical officer in charge of the brancardiers.

Merci: thank you.

Metro: Paris subway.

Midis: men from the south of France.

Mitrailleuse: machine-gun.

Monsieur: Sir, or Mr.

Obus: a shell.

Opera-comique: the light opera; a theater in Paris.

Ordre de mouvement: field orders to move, for troops or individuals.