Page:America's National Game (1911).djvu/537

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One hears a great deal about the "Trolley Leagues" in these days and that is exactly what these organizations are—leagues dependent upon the trolley railroad for transportation. These organizations are composed of the sterling young ball players of the United States, and if the satiated enthusiast of the city becomes a little too well satisfied with the well doing of his favorite professional club, he need only to visit one of these "trolley league" games to find Base Ball in all of the glory by which he remembers it when he sat on the grass and cheered for the home team.

By contrast with other countries, the United States within five years has taken long strides ahead of England and France in the matter of stable and safe structures for an outdoor sport.

It is true that in London, and perhaps in Paris and Berlin, greater generosity has been shown to the citizens in leaving untouched certain fields for those who are fond of games which are popular in those cities, but in the matter of stands to accommodate patrons there is nothing which can equal such Base Ball palaces as have been built in Philadelphia, Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburg and other cities, to say nothing of the improvement contemplated for New York, where both the American and the National Leagues will build on a grander scale than is in existence throughout the world of sport.

When conditions are sane and settled among the organizers of Base Ball there is no trouble to locate prosperity. It appears at the door and begs to enter.

Nothing can better illustrate this than to compare the