Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/348

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Hawtrey, Mabel. The co-education of the

London, Paul, Trubner & Co. 118 pp.. (>..

2s. 6d. Holyoake, G. Jacob. Public speaking and debate.

Ed. a. Boston. Ginn & Co. 3 r 266 pp., D.,

$1.10. Jordan, D. Starr. The care and culture of men ;

A series of addresses on the higher education.

San 1 : taker ,v Ray Co. 273 pp.,


The principles and practice of

Kindergarten, with nearly 1000 illustrations.

London, Hughes. 400 pp., O., 55. University of London: A calendar for the year

1896. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 720 pp.,

O., 4 s.


Argentine, A. Introduzion agli studi delle scienze moral! <: politiche. Portici, stab. tip. Vesuviano. 165 j,'t

Hegr Hegel's philosophy of right, tr.

byS.W. Dyke. X. Y.. Macmillan&Co. 366 pp.,O., $1.90.

Thomas, W. C. Cosmic ethics ; or, The mathemat- ical theory of evolution. London, Smith, Elder & Co. 318 pp., O., los. 6d.


Allain. G. Des effets du jugement de divorce (^tnese). Paris, A. Rousseau. 331 pp., O.

Bardi-I>erzelli, Fed. Le tradizioni nella famiglia e nella societa civile ; discorsi tre. Firenze, tip. del. s. Cuore e della ss. Concezione di Raffaello Ricci. 86 pp.,<>.

Giuriati, Dom. Le leggi dell' amore. Nuova edizione con note e document!. Farino, Roux .;ti e C. tip. edit. 478 pp., O., L6.

Rampal, A. De la condition de 1'enfant dans le drpit public ancien et moderne (these). Mar- seille, imp. Marseillaise. 576 pp., O.

Surbled. La vie a deux, Hygiene du mariage. Paris, lib. Maloine. 169 pp.


Aubrey. Stock exchange investments; the theory, methods, practice and results. London, Simpkin. 316 pp., O., ss.

Barker, Wharton. Bimetallism ; or, The evils of gold monometallism and the benefits of bimet- allism. Phil., Barker Pub. Co. 15 + 330 pp., M.OO.

Gold and silver coinage under the constitution; laws enacted thereon by Congress from the organization of the Federal Government to the present time. N. V. and Chicago, Rand, McNally & Co. 115 pp. D., soc.

Harper, J. W. Money and social problems. London, Olipham, Anderson & Co. 380 pp., O., los. 6d.

Lynch, E. M. Killboylan Bank; or, Every man his own banker, being the account of how Killboylan characters concerned themselves with cooperative credit. London, Paul Trubner &Co. 248pp.,O., 3 s. 6d.

MacFarlane, C. W. Pennsylvania paper currency. Phil. Am. Acad. of Pol. & Soc. Sci. 126 pp., O., soc.

Miller, M. A. Gold or silver ? A political econ- omy, with pen pictures of the times. N. Y. and Chicago, F. Tennyson Neely. 207 pp., il., D., 2sc.

Teller, Ja. H. The battle of the standards; with

n umod. by II. M. Teller. Chicago, The

Schulte Pub. Co. 151 pp., asc.

Walker, Fran <i, A. International bimetallism N. Y., H. Holt <v Co. 297 pp.. D., 11.25.

History, Social.

Clary, Jos. M. Our nation's history and song ; with the campaign songs our tathei from Washington to Cleveland. Chicago, C. H. Kerr & Co. 480 pp.,D., $i.

Gundry, R. S. China present and past, foreign intercourse, progress and resources; the mis- sionary question. N. Y., imp. by C. Scribner's Sons. 414 pp., O., $4.20.

Fisher, Sydney G. The making of Pennsylvania. Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co. 364 pp., D., $1.50.

Janssen, J. History of the German people at the close of the Middle Ages; from the German by M. A. Mitchell & A. M. Christie. Vols. i and 2. St. Louis, B. Herder. O., $6.25.

Laurie, J. S. The story of Australasia: its dis- covery, colonisation and development. Lon- don, Osgood, Mcllvaine & Co. 404 pp., D., IDS. 6d.

Mackintosh, John. The history of civilization in Scotland. New ed. V. 4. London, A. Gardner. 518 pp., O., 153.

Michaud, Jos. Frangois. History of the crusades. 2 v., 25 pts. Pts. i-io. Phil., G. Barrie, ea. pt. about 30 pp., ea. $i.

Morris, W. O. Ireland, 1494-1868 (Cambridge, historical series). Cambridge Univ. Press. 372 pp., O., 6s.

Peyre, R. Napoleon Bonaparte et son temps, ill. de 159 gravures. Paris, Firmin, Didot & Cie. 470 pp., O.

Ross, Ed. G. History of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson. N. Y., H. B. Philbrook. 183 pp., O., $1.25.

Thacher, J. Boyd. The continent of America; its discovery and its baptism; an essay on the nomenclature of the old continents. N. Y. W. Evarts Benjamin. 270 pp., ill., maps., Q., $25.

Treitschke, Heinrich von. Deutsche Geschichte im 19. Jahrhtmdert, in 50 Lfgn. Leipzig, G. Hirzel. i. Lfg., S. 1-80, O., M. i.

Wood, H. F. Egypt under the British. London Chapman & Hall. 222 pp., O., 45.


Hamon, G. Histoire generale de 1'assurance en France et a etranger. Face. 12, pages 441 a 480. Paris, Lib. Giard et Briere. Fr. 2.

Huppert, P. Der Lebensversicherungsvertrag. Falsche Angaben und Verschweigungen beim Abschlusse desselben. Mainz, F. Kirchheim. 199 pp., O., M. 3.

Malt, C. G. Wie soil man sich versichern ? Eine Anleitung zur Erzielung einer auskommlichen Pension oder Alters-, Invaliden-, Witwen- und Waisen-Versorgung. Stuttgart, Greiner & Pfeiffer. 38 pp., O., 50 Pf.


Boucherett, Jessie, Blackburn, Helen and others The condition of working women and the fac- tory acts. London, Elliot Stack. 88 pp., O., is. 6d.

Dwellings of the poor; report of the Mansion House Council for 1895. London, Casell. 86 pp., O., is.

Gallon, Frank W., ed. Workers on their indus- tries. N. Y., imp. by C. Scribner's Sons. 239 pp., D., $i.

Great Britain Labor Department. Changes in wages and hours of labor in the United King- dom during 1894. 2d annual report. London, P. S. King & Co. is. 9 d.

Great Britain Parliament. Friendly societies; report of registrar for 1895. London, P. S. King & Co. is. 4d.