Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/349

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Webb, Sidney and Beatrice. The history of trades

unionism. New ed. London, Longmans.

574 PP- O., i8s. Wolf, Jul. Die Arbeitslosigkeit und ihre Bekam-

pfung. Dresden, Zahn & Jaensch. 40 pp., O.,

M. i.

Liquor Question:

McKenzie, F. A. Sober by act of Parliament. N. Y., imp. by C. Scribner's Sons. 200 pp., D.,


Bussell, F. W. The School of Plato: its origin.

development and revival under the Roman

empire. London, Meuthen. 362 pp.. O.,

tos. 6d. Caldwell, William. Schopenhauer's System in its

Philosophical Significance. London. W

Blackwood. 546 pp., O., los. 6d. Pneiderer, Edm. Sokrates u. Plato. Tubingen,

H. Lupp. 921 pp.. O., M. 18.

Political Economy. Compte rendu anaJytique des stances de la Socic'te'

d economic politique et d'economie sociale de

Lyon, 1894-5. Lyon, imp. Bonnariat. 656

pp., O. Conrad, J. Grundriss zum Studium der poli-

tischcn Oekonomie. i. Tl. Nationaloekono-

mie. Jena, G. Fischer. 79 pp., O.. M. 1.60. Elster, L. Staatswissenschaftliche Studien. 5 Bd

6 Hft. Jena, G. Fischer. 107 pp., O., M. 2.50! Mac cod H D. The history of economics.

London, Bliss, Sands & Co. 706 pp., O.,

xos. 6d. Wernickc, J. Der objektive Wert und Preis.

Grundlegung einer realen Wert- und Preis -

theoric. Jena, G. Fischer. 116 pp.,O., M. 2.40. worms, K. La science et 1'art en economic

politique. Paris, Giard et Briere. 135 pp., O.

Political Science.

Follet, M. P. The speaker of the House of Representatives; with an introd. by Albert Bushnell Hart. N. Y., Longmans. 378 pp.,

La Grasserie, R. de. Resumes analytiques des

principaux codes civils de I'Europe et de Amcrique. Paris, Giard & Briere. 400 pp.,

O.. fr. 6. May. G. Elements de droit remain, i 1'usage des

ettidiants des facultcs de droit. Paris, Larose

673 pp., O., fr. 10. Reclus, E. L'anarchie. Paris, imp. Blot. 16 pp.,

Remsen, Dan. S. The fusion of political parties the automatic method in Australia. Phil., Am Acad. of Pol. & Soc. Sci. 49 pp., O., i<c.

Wells, D. A.; Phelps, E. J., and 'Schur*, C. America and Europe: a study of international relatmns. ,. The United States and Great Britain, by I). A. Well,; a. The Monroe doctrine, by E. J. I'helps; 3. Arbitration in

tional disputes, by C. Schurz. N V G. P. Putnam's hons. 3 + ia 3 pp., I >. X jH: ' Ml """pa! government in Michigan and Ohio: a study in the relations of city and commonwealth. N. Y., 184 pp., O., $i.

Property and Inheritance. Kavalewskv.

rast;;,: V^TTO.

KKh.rd>,G. A. King Oma>< ud ,h. beii oost.. Arena Pub. Co. 5*454 pp.

Prostitution. Cutrera, A. I ricottari (la mala vita di Palermo) :

contribute di sociologia criminate. Palermo

tip fratelli Vena. 80 pp., O. Dubarry, A. Les invertis (Ic vice allemand).

Pans, Chamuel. 317 pp., fr. 3.50.

Psychology. Annee psychologique, publiee par MM. H. Beau-

nis and A. Binet (2* annee, 1895). Paris. F.

Alcan. 1014 pp., O., fr. 15. Wufcdt, W. Hypnotisme et suggestion, etude

critique, tr. de I'allemand par A. Keller. Paris,

F. Alcan. 168 pp., S., fr. 2.50.

Religion. Bougand. Le christianisme et les temps presents.

7< edition. Paris, lib. Poussielgue. 671 pp., S Dryer, G. H. History of the Christian church'

In 4 or 5 vols. Vol. i, The founding of the

new world. 1-600 A.D. Cin., Curts &

Jennings. 413 pp., Ul., D., $1.50. Hicks, Edward. Traces of Greek philosophy and

Roman law in the New Testament. London.

188 pp., O., 35. Staley, Vernon. The natural religion. London

Mowbrav. O., 25. Weiss, A. M. Apologie du christianisme au

point de vue des moeurs et de la civilisation,

tr. de I'allemand sur la 36 Edition. Ill:

Humanite et humanisme. Paris, Delhomme

et Briguet. 504 pp., O.

Railroads : Knapp, Martin A. Railroad pooling. Phil. Am.

Acad. of Pol. and Soc. Sci. 127-147 pp.. O

25 cts. Koch, W. Handbuch fur Eisenbahn-Giiter-Ver-

kchr. Berlin, Barthol & Co. 27 Aufl. 5S t pp.,

O., M. 8.50.

Sanitary Science:

Arnold, J. La disinfection publique. Paris, Rueff & Co. 259 pp., fr. 3.50.

Balch, Lewis. A manual for hoards of health and health officers. N. Y., Banko & Bros. 242 pp., D., $1.50.

Compte rendu generate des travaux du Congres national scientifique d'hygiene ouvriere tenu 5i Lyon en 1894. Lyon, imp. Plan. 359 pp.

tccles, Y. M. Elementary anatomy and surgery for nurses ; a series of lectures delivered to the nursing staff of the West London Hospital N.^Y., imp. by C. Scribner's Sons. 158 pp. |


Biraghi, Gius. Socialismo. Miliano. Ulrico Hoeph edit., tip. Lombanli di M. Bel-liiuaghi. 285 p,

1 ' H .ussonvitle. Socialists et Charite". Paris.

.. e ae

C. Levy. 504 pp., S., fr. 3.50.

A. Un socialiste pratique: Robert

. e: oert

l.apone. H7 pp., O. t i fr.


. ., . t

i^nschaftlchei Grundlafen Kritik der Ma'cnen

er acnen Wrrthlcl.rr. | 4<J pj

Man, k. Revolution and counter revolution : or, Ucrmany m 1848; tr. by Eleanor Mark* Avel- Scribner'. Sons. 148

D $

N: "'. matm -

u * a Hft>

Schatil, J. Die Corruption in der chSiddaokrJ,ie