Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/187

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C. Interspaces with silky, wavy crinkles; 3 mm.; Coronado Islands
cleo Bartsch
Interspaces smooth, 3 mm.; Catalina Islands, south
californica Bartsch
D. Whorls decidedly inflated; 3 mm.; Monterey south
bakeri Bartsch
Whorls not inflated
E. With very fine, numerous axial threads (48 to 55 on last whorl)
With coarse riblets (36 on last whorl; 14 on next to last); 3 mm. Alaska to Monterey
newcombei Dall
F. Shell slender; 2 mm.; San Pedro south
dalli Bartsch
Shell not as slender; 3.5 mm.; Redondo Beach south
coronadoensis Bartsch

Key to the Atlantic Coast Rissoina

A. Shell sculptured with riblets or spiral lines
Shell smooth, glossy-white; 4 mm.; Carolinas, Florida, and West Indies; syn.: laevigata C. B. Ads.
browniana Orbigny
B. With axial ribs more prominent than spiral threads
With axial ribs not more prominent than spiral threads
C. Axial ribs only
Axial ribs and spiral threads both present
D. 4.5 to 6.0 mm.; white or stained yellow; 16 to 22 ribs; South Florida and the West Indies
bryerea Montagu
3.0 to 5.0 mm.; white; 11 to 14 ribs; suture sometimes deep; North Carolina to Florida and the West Indies
chesneli Michaud (Pl. 22u)
E. 4 to 5 mm.; ribs strong but disappearing on base; spiral threads strongest on base; white to rusty; southeast Florida and the West Indies
multicostata C. B. Adams
6 to 7 mm.; 25 to 28 low, weak ribs, spirally striated or pitted between; glossy; white to yellowish; North Carolina to the West Indies
decussata Montagu
F. Sculpture strongly cancellate
Not strongly cancellate; low, spiral threads dominant; axial ribs faint; weakly cancellate; 5 to 10 mm.; southeast Florida and the West Indies
striosa C. B. Adams
G. 5 to 7 mm.; white; strongly cancellate; depressed interspaces large and square; southeast Florida and the West Indies
cancellata Philippi