Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/188

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American Seashells
4 to 4.5 mm.; glassy-white; depressed interspaces small, rounded; Texas to the West Indies and Bermuda
sagraiana Orbigny

Family Vitrinellidae
GenusVitrinellaC. B. Adams 1850

Shell minute, thin, depressed, umbillicate, and with 3 to 4 subtubular whorls. The umbilicus has rather flattened walls and is usually bounded by a spiral cord. The rounded aperture is oblique, with a thin lip, its upper margin arching forward. Columella only moderately thickened. Operculum corneous, thin, multispiral. There are many species in American waters with quite a number of genera and subgenera. The family is undergoing considerable change under the current research by H. A. Pilsbry. We are including only three examples of this interesting group. Consult recent numbers of The Nautilus.

SubgenusVitrinella s. str.

Vitrinella helicoidea C. B. Adams
Helix Vitrinella

North Carolina to Florida and the West Indies.

2 mm. in diameter, planorboid, 4 whorls, spire moderately raised. Translucent-white, glossy, smooth. Umbilicus round, very deep, moderately wide, bounded by a small, spiral, smoothish thread. Wall of umbilicus flattish. Columella strong, braced on the whorl above by a small, spreading callus. Outer lip thin, sharp. Not uncommon in shallow water. This is the type of the genus.

SubgenusCirculusJeffreys 1865

Vitrinella multistriata Verrill
Threaded Vitrinella
Plate 17v

North Carolina to Florida.

5 mm. in diameter, planorboid, well-compressed, 4 whorls, opaque-white, with a glossy sheen. Outer surface covered with numerous, crowded, spiral, incised lines. Umbilicus with rounded sides, deep, rather narrow. 50 to 100 fathoms. Locally common.

SubgenusSolariorbisConrad 1865

Vitrinella beaui Fischer
Beau’s Vitrinella

North Carolina to Florida and the West Indies.