Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/214

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American Seashells

small umbilicus or none, and the shoulder of the whorls is somewhat flattened. It is not common. Epitonmm tollini Bartsch Tollin's Wentletrap West Coast of Florida. Y2 inch in length, slender, no umbilicus. 9 to 10 whorls strongly convex; suture deep. Each whorl has from 11 to 16 costae which are not shouldered, but are rounded, on top. They often line up one below the other. Outer lip thick and reflected. Inner lip much smaller. Color china-white, with the first few whorls a very faint amber-brown. Fairly common just off the outer beaches. Do not confuse with E. humphrey si whose costae are angular at the top, Epitonium humphrey si Kiener Humphrey's Wentletrap Plate 2 2d Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Florida and to Texas. % to % inch in length, fairly slender, thick-shelled, and without an umbilicus. Color dull-white. Suture deep. The 9 to 10 convex whorls each have about 8 to 9 costae that are somewhat angled at the shoulder. Costae usually thick and strong. Outer and lower part of the apertural lip thickened and slightly flaring. Common from shore to 52 fathoms. Do not confuse with E. angulatum which is not so slender, is glossier, has thinner costae that are usually more angular at the shoulders. Epitonium ehurneum Potiez and Michaud listed by Percy Morris (1951, p. 122) does not occur in American waters. His illustrations are probably those of E, commune Linne from Europe. Epitonium angulatum Say Angulate Wentletrap Plate 22b New York to Florida and to Texas. % to I inch in length, moderately stout to somewhat slender, strong and without an umbilicus. 8 whorls with about 9 to 10 strong but thin costae which are very slightly reflected backwards and which are usually angu- lated at the shoulder, especially in the early whorls. The costae are usually formed in line with those on the whorl above and are fused at their points of contact. Outer lip thickened and reflected. Color china-white. One of the commonest Atlantic wentletraps found in shallow water to 25 fathoms. Do not confuse with E. humphrey si. Epitonium foliaceicostwm Orbigny Wrinkled-ribbed Wentletrap Southeast Florida to the Lesser Antilles.