Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/226

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American Seashells

Brown {zonata Gould is the same) from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Cape Cod is similar, but rarely over % inch in length, with a flattened shelf -like columella, and often colored with narrow, spiral bands of brown. Family FOSSARIDAE Genus Fossarus Philippi 1841 Fossarus elegans Verrill and Smith Elegant Fossarus Plate 25c Massachusetts to North Carolina. 2 to 3 mm. in length, turbinate in shape, with 4 whorls, chalky-white to gray in color and characterized by its delicate sculpturing which consists of 2 strong carinae on the periphery and 3 smaller ones below and a large one bordering the chink-like umbilicus. Between the cords are numerous, distinct, arched riblets. Outer lip thickened by a large varix. 2 or 3 smaller, former varices commonly present on the last whorl. The base of the arched columella is projecting. Uncommon below 70 fathoms. Fa7mly ERATOIDAE S7ibfa77iily ERATOINAE Genus Erato Risso 1826 Subgenus Hespererato Schilder 1932 Erato 77iaugeriae Gray Mauger's Erato Plate 2 2v North Carolina to Florida and the West Indies. ViQ inch in length, resembling a small Marginella, but the curled-in, thickened outer lip has a row of about 1 5 small, even-sized teeth. Upper end of the outer lip is well-shouldered. Shell glossy, tan with a pinkish or yellow- ish undertone. Apex bulbous. Commonly dredged on either side of Florida from 2 to 63 fathoms. Erato colim7beUa Menke Columbelle Erato Monterey, California, to Panama. % inch in length, glossy-smooth, slate-gray in color with a whitish, thickened outer lip. Spire elevated, nucleus brown. Outer lip markedly shouldered above, and bearing about a dozen extremely small teeth. Siphonal canal stained inside with purple-brown. Not uncommon from shore to 50 fathoms. Occasionally washed ashore with kelp weed. Erato vitellina Hinds Apple Seed Plate 20-0 Bodega Bay, California, to Lower California.