Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/227

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^ inch in length, resembling a "beach-worn Columbella," and glossy- smooth. Body whorl with a large purple area bounded by a faint whitish line; remainder of shell, including the spire which is often glazed over, is dark brownish cream. Columella arched, bearing 5 to 8 small, whitish teeth. Lower % of slightly incurled outer lip is with 7 to lo small, whitish teeth. Moderately common in fairly shallow water. Occasionally washed ashore with kelp weed.

Subfamily TRIVIINAE Genus Trivia Broderip 1837

Resembling miniature cowries (Cypraea), but characterized by strong wrinkles or riblets running around the shell from the slit-like aperture to the center of the back of the shell. We have carefully reviewed and included all of the Western Atlantic species, but have not followed the Schilderian use of numerous genera, such as Piisiila Jousseaume.

Trivia pediculus Linne Coffee Bean Trivia Plate 2ibb

South half of Florida and the West Indies.

% inch in length, characterized by its tan to brownish pink color with 3 pairs of large, irregular, dark-brown spots on the back, and in having 16 to 19 (usually 17) ribs crossing the outer lip. The center pair of spots on the back are the largest. Some specimens may be quite pink.

In some areas, a dwarf form of this species occurs (named piillata Sby.) which is i inch in length, with a pink base, 13 to 17 riblets on the outer lip, and often with the brown mottlings spread over most of the back. Do not confuse this form with the species suffusa which is light-pink, with a white (not pink) outer lip crossed by 19 to 24 riblets, and with a pink blotch on each side of the anterior canal.

T. pediculus is a common species found from low water to 25 fathoms.

Trivia suffusa Gray Suffuse Trivia Plate 2iaa

Southeast Florida and the West Indies.

^ to ^ inch in length, elongate-globular, bright-pink with suffused brownish splotches and fine specklings. Anterior canal with a weak pinkish blotch on each side. Riblets on back somewhat beaded. Dorsal groove fairly well-impressed. Outer lip white and crossed by 18 to 23 (usually 20) riblets. Quite common in the Bahamas and Lesser Antilles. T. armandina Kiener is the same.