Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/231

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Cypraea mus Linne (pi. 6e) is often found in American collections al- though it is limited to the southern part of the Caribbean. It is 2 inches in length, mouse-gray (Mouse Cowrie), and has a pair of irregular black-brown stripes on the back. It is frequently deformed with one or two small bumps on the back.

Subgenus Zonaria Jousseaume 1884

Cypraea spadicea Swainson Chestnut Cowrie Plate 6b

Monterey, California, to Cerros Island, Lower California.

I to 2 inches in length, half as high, with a hard, glossy enamel finish. Base white, with about 20 to 23 teeth on each side of the long, narrow aper- ture. Sides bluish to mauve-gray, above which there is dark-chocolate fading on top to light chestnut-brown with a bluish undertone. Moderately com- mon at certain seasons at low tide among seaweed, and also down to 25 fathoms.

Family OVULIDAE Genus Frimovula Thiele 1925 Subgenus Pseiidosbnnia Schilder 1927

Frimovula carnea Poiret Dwarf Red Ovula Plate 2 2q

Southeast Florida, the West Indies and the Mediterranean.

% to ^/2 inch in length. This species resembles a miniature cowrie. The body whorl is rotund, pink to yellow in color and with numerous, fine spiral, incised lines. Aperture narrow, arched, and with a canal at each end. Outer lip curled in like that of a cowrie, and with about 20 small, rounded, whitish teeth. Upper parietal wall with a large, rounded, short ridge or tooth. Apex not showing. Rare from 25 to 100 fathoms.

Genus Pedicidaria Swainson 1840 Subgenus Pediculariella Thiele 1925

Fedicularia decussata Gould Decussate Pedicularia Plate yd

Georgia to southeast Florida and the West Indies.

/4 to V2 inch in length, moderately thick-shelled, with a long and flaring aperture, and pure-white in color. Sculpture of fine reticulations with the spiral threads the strongest. Columella a straight ridge with the parietal wall concavely dished. The entire shell has a distorted, "squeezed" appearance. Nuclear whorls obese, translucent-brown, reticulated, and with a sinuate lip