Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/232

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American Seashells

when in its free-swimming, larval stage. An uncommon species found cling- ing to coral stems in moderately deep water. This is the only Eastern Ameri- can species in this genus. Pedicularia californica Newcomb Californian Pedicularia Plate 7b, c Farallon Islands to San Diego, California. % to /4 inch in length, solid, aperture greatly enlarged and flaring. Apex hidden by the expanded lip. Early whorls showing minute decussations, the rest of the shell with small spiral threads. Interior uneven and glossy. Color rose with the outer lip whitish. Uncommon. Found attached to red hydro- coraUine, Allopora californica Verrill. We have also illustrated the form ovulifor7ms Berry (pi. 7c). Genus Neosimnia Fischer 1884 Neosimnia acicularis Lamarck Common West Indian Simnia Plate 7a North Carolina to southeast Florida and the West Indies. % inch in length, narrow, glossy, thin-shelled but strong, and with a long, toothless aperture. Color deep lavender or yellowish. Columella area flattened or sometimes slightly dished and, in adults, always bordered by a long, whitish ridge, one inside the aperture, the other on the body whorl. Posterior end of columella sometimes slightly swollen. A common species which attaches itself and its tiny egg-capsules to purple or yellow seafans. Neosivmia iiniplicata Sowerby Single-toothed Simnia Plate 76 Virginia to both sides of Florida and the West Indies. V'2 to % inch in length, similar to acicularis, but with only the innermost, longitudinal ridge on the columella, and with a twisted, spiral plication at the posterior end of the columella. Moderately common on seafans. 'Neosimnia piragua Dall Dall's Treasured Simnia Plate ^i Between Jamaica and Haiti. I inch in length, extremely narrow, with the ends greatly produced. Columella area bordered by two longitudinal ridges, the inner one tinted with rose. Remainder of shell yellowish white. One of the rarest of the Western Atlantic mollusks. 23 fathoms.