Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/234

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American Seashells

Cyphoma mcgintyi Pilsbry McGinty's Cyphoma Plates 8; 4s Lower Florida Keys and the Bahamas. Similar to gibbosa, but more elongate, whitish with tints of lilac or pink on the back. The side callus on the right is thick and narrow. Aperture cameo-pink. Mantle with numerous solid spots which are roughly round or in the shape of short bars. Not uncommon. Fingerprint Cyphoma Plate 4t Cyphovta signatum Pilsbry and McGinty Lower Florida Keys. Similar to mcgintyi, but with the transverse ridge on the back much weaker, and the anterior end of the aperture more dilated than in the two preceding species. Color light-buff with a cream-buff tint deep inside the aperture. Mantle pale-yellow with numerous, crowded, long, black trans- verse lines. The rarest of the Florida Cyphomas. Superfamily HETEROPODA Family ATLANTIDAE Genus Atlanta Lesueur 181 7 Atlanta peroni Lesueur Peron's Atlanta Figure 41 Atlantic and Pacific warm waters; pelagic. ^ inch in diameter, planorboid, compressed from above, fragile, trans- parent and glassy. Later whorls openly coiled but connected by a sharp peripheral keel. Outer lip notched in the region of the shell. Often washed ashore after storms, and frequently brought up in dredge hauls. Five other species have been reported from American waters.

Figure 41. Shell of the hcteropod, Atlanta peroni Lesueur, y, inch. Genus Oxy gyrus Benson 1835 Oxy gyrus keraudreni Lesueur Keraudren's Atlanta Atlantic warm waters; pelagic.