Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/235

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^ inch in diameter, planorboid, nuclear whorls not visible; narrowly umbilicate on both sides. Whorls keeled only near the aperture. Body whorl near the aperture and the keel are corneous. No apertural slit. Operculum small, trigonal and lamellar. A common pelagic species, and the only one reported from our waters.

Family CARINARIIDAE Genus Camiaria Lamarck 1801

Carinaria lamarcki Peron and Lesueur Lamarck's Carinaria Figure 42

Atlantic warm waters; pelagic.

Body up to 10 inches in length, tissues transparent; proboscis large and purple. Shell K the size of the animal, cap-shaped, very thin, fragile and transparent. Its apex is hooked. The shell is borne on top of the animal. This is a valuable collector's item, and in former years it brought fancy prices. Formerly known as C. mediterrafiea Lamarck and erroneously attributed under that name to Peron and Lesueur.

Figure 42. The heteropod, Carinaria lamarcki Peron and Lesueur, lives a pelagic life in warm seas. The animal mav reach a length of 10 inches. It lives in an upside down position at the surface.

Super jainily NATICACEA Family NATICIDAE Subfamily POLINICINAE Genus Polijiices Montfort 1810

Polinices lacteiis Guilding Milk Moon-shell Plate 111

North Carolina to southeast Florida and the West Indies.

% to 1^/2 inches in length, glossy, milk-white, umbilicus deep with its upper portion covered over by the heavy callus of the parietal wall. Peri- ostracum thin, smooth, yellowish. Operculum, corneous, thin, transparent, either wine-red or amber. Common in sandy, intertidal areas. P. uberinus