Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/303

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Genus Anachis H. and A. Adams 1853 Anachis avara Say Greedy Dove-shell Plate 2566 New Jersey to both sides of Florida to Texas. % to V-y inch in length, moderately elongate, with about a dozen smooth axial plications on the upper half of each whorl. Spiral, incised lines very weak or absent, but strong at the base. Aperture narrow, a Httle less than half the length of the shell. Weak, smooth varix present. The 3 nuclear whorls are smooth and translucent-white. Next few whorls with numerous axial riblets. Color yellowish brown to dark gray-brown over which may be seen a faint pattern of irregular, white, large dots. Sometimes with dark- brown specklings. 4 weak teeth inside inner lip. A very common low-tide mark species. Anachis obesa C. B. Adams Fat Dove-shell Virginia to Florida, the Gulf States and the West Indies. %6 to ^ inch in length, moderately wide, dull grayish with i or 2 sub- dued, spiral brown bands in some specimens. Small, sharp axial ribs are nu- merous; spiral incised lines numerous, not crossing ribs. There is a fairly strong, occasionally knobbed, spiral cord immediately below the suture. Varix large, smooth and rounded. Body whorl behind it usually smoothish. Parietal shield faintly developed, but with a sharp edge. Inner wall of outer lip with about 3 to 5 small teeth. The form ostreicola Melville from north- west Florida is dark-brown and with stronger spiral threads or wider incised lines. This is a common shallow-water species. Anachis translirata Ravenel Well-ribbed Dove-shell Plate 25flF Massachusetts to northeast Florida. Similar to avara, but with about twice as many axial ribs which run the entire depth of each whorl, and with strong incised spiral lines throughout. Outer lip with about a dozen tiny teeth. Color drab yellowish to brown, but sometimes with wide, subdued, spiral bands of darker brown. Dredged com- monly just offshore usually from 2 to 20 fathoms. Anachis penicillata Carpenter Penciled Dove-shell San Pedro to Lower California. 1/5 inch in length, rather slender, with 6 whorls, of which the first 2 nuclear ones are smooth, the remainder with about 1 5 strong axial riblets per