Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/304

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American Seashells

whorl, which are made slightly uneven by numerous very fine spiral threads. Color translucent-cream with sparse spottings of brown. Common under rocks between tide marks. Genus Nitidella Swainson 1840 Nitidella ocellata Gmelin White-spotted Dove-shell Plate 2 5hh Lower Florida Keys and the West Indies. % inch in length, smooth, characteristically dark black-brown with nu- merous small white dots which may be quite large just below the suture. Outer lip thick, with 5 or 6 small whitish teeth. Aperture short, narrow, purplish brown within. When beachworn, the color is reddish or yellowish brown. Common under rocks at low tide. Formerly known as cribraria Lamarck. Nitidella mtidula Sowerby Glossy Dove-shell Plate 25dd Southeast Florida and the West Indies. /4 inch in length, characterized by the long aperture (% that of the entire shell) and by the very glossy shell. Color whitish with heavy mot- tlings of light-yellow to mauve-brown. Outer lip with about a dozen small teeth. Common in the West Indies on rocks at low tide. Nitidella gouldi Carpenter Gould's Dove-shell Plate 20m Alaska to San Diego, California. H inch in length, 7 whorls are smoothish and slightly convex. Spire almost flat-sided. Base of shell on exterior of canal with about 9 fine, incised spiral lines. Bottom of white columella with a single, low plait. Outer lip simple, sharp and often reinforced within by 4 or 5 weak pustules. Shell whitish with faint brown maculations, covered with a yellowish-gray peri- ostracum. Fairly common from just ofl"shore to 300 fathoms. Nitidella carinata Sowerby Carinate Dove-shell San Francisco to Lower California. H inch in length, glossy, brightly variegated with orange, yellow, white and brown. Shoulder of last whorl usually strongly swollen. Exterior of canal with about a dozen spiral, incised lines. Both ends of the aperture are stained dark-brown. Outer lip thickened, crooked, and with about a dozen small spiral threads or teeth inside. Fairly common in shallow water. N. {