Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/371

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to the host by means of an oral sucker, and pierce the body wall of the host with a buccal stylet. They suck the host's blood by means of a buccal pump. Embryological and other data have shown that this family of mollusks is closely related to the tectibranch mollusks, rather than to the prosobranchs with which they have been formerly placed. (See Journal of the Marine Biological Assoc, vol. 28, pp. 493-532, 1949.) Genus Fyramidella Lamarck 1799 Pyramidella dolabrata Lamarck Bahamas and the West Indies. Florida Keys? Giant Atlantic Pyram Plate 4q % to I inch in length, solid and glossy smooth. Columella large, and with 2 or 3 strong, spiral plicae. Color opaque-white with 3 fine, spiral lines of brown, i of which is just above the suture. Common in the West Indies

Figure 62. Atlantic Coast Pyramidellidae. (See opposite page.)