Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/372

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PACIFIC COAST PYRAMIDELLIDAE (Figure 63) (The names in parentheses are subgenera. "D. and B." is the abbreviation for Dall and Bartsch 1909, Bull. 68, U. S, Nat. AIus., pis. 1-30, from which these drawings are taken. The measurements refer to the length of an average specimen.) a, Pyrarnidella {Lonchaeiis) adamsi Carpenter. Adams' Pyram. 15 mm. White to dark-brown, spotted or banded. San Pedro to Mexico. Common. b, Tiirbonilla {Cheimiitzia) kelseyi D. and B. Kelsey's Turbonille. 5 mm. Semi- transparent; ribs not on base of shell. Santa Barbara to Mexico. Shore to 30 fathoms. Moderately common. c, Turbo77illa (Ti/rboiiilla) acraD. 2indB. Acta Turbonille. 10 mm. Milk-white; 15 whorls; ribs extend down over the base of the shell. California. Rare. d, Tiirbo7jilla {Striotiirbonilla) buttoni D. and B. Button's Turbonille. 6 mm.; yellowish white; spire and base of shell with microscopic, wavy, spiral lines not shown in drawing). Southern California to iMexico. Shore to 25 fathoms. Common at many places. e, Tiirbonilla {Fyrgolampros) chocolata Carpenter. Chocolate Turbonille. 12 mm.; shiny, golden brown, with 2 or 3 spiral bands of lighter color. Monterey to San Diego. Shore to 25 fathoms. Uncommon. f, Tw'bomlla {Monmila) tridentata Carpenter. Three-toothed Turbonille. 10 mm.; chestnut; obscurely banded; minutely reticulated; 3 folds on white columella. Monterey to Lower California. Shore to 40 fathoms. Common. g, Odostomia {Evalwa) a?nericana D. and B. American Odostome. 3 mm.; milky white. San Pedro to Lower California. Shore to 10 fathoms. Uncommon. h, Odostomia (Aliralda) aepynota D. and B. Tower Odostome. 2 mm.; trans- lucent. San Pedro to Lower California. Shore to 12 fathoms. Uncommon. i, Odostomia (Odostoinia) farella D. and B. Farelle Odostome. 3 mm.; white; fine growth lines only. Off Long Beach. Rare. j, Odostoima (Evalea) phanea D. and B. Phanea Odostome. 5 mm.; milky white. Monterey to San Diego. On rocks and abalones. Common. k, Turbonilla (Pyrgisciis) aragoni D. and B. Aragon Turbonille. 7 mm.; milky white; lower half of whorls brown, upper half flesh-colored. Base with 1 5 spiral lines. Monterey to Redondo Beach. 10 to 40 fathoms. Uncommon. 1, Tiirbojiilla (Bartschella) lajimiata Carpenter. Laminate Turbonille. 7 mm.; apex waxy yellow; last whorl brown; columella white. Redondo Beach to Lower California. Shore to 25 fathoms. Common. m, Odostomia (Ividella) pedroana D. and B. San Pedro Odostome. 7 mm.; choco- late-brown. San Pedro to Lower California. Shore to 1 2 fathoms. Common. n, Odostomia (Chrysallida) helga D. and B. H'^lga Odostome. 5 mm.; milky white. Redondo Beach to Gulf of California. Shore to 25 fathoms. Common. o, Odostomia (Ivara) terriciila D. and B. Earth Odostome. 4 mm.; milky white. Monterey to Lower California. Shore to 25 fathoms. Common. p, Odostomia (lolaea) auriaiita D. and B. Pure Odostome. 5 mm.; yellowish white. San Mateo to Lower California. Shore to 75 fathoms. Common. q, Odostomia {Amaiira) nota D. and B. Nota Odostome. 7 mm.; light yellow. Santa Rosa Island to San Diego. Among weeds. Common. r, Odostomia (Evalea) donilla D. and B. Donille Odostome. 5 mm.; bluish white. Santa Monica to Lower California. Shore to 10 fathoms. Common, s, Odostomia (Menestho) fetella D. and B. Fetelle Odostome. 4 mm.; milky white. Santa Monica to Lower California. Shore to 6 feet. Common. t, Odostomia (Salasiella) laxa D. and B. Lax Odostome. 4 mm.; milky white. Catalina Island to Lower California. Shore to 70 fathoms. Common.