Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/386

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American Seashells

length of the entire rhinophore. It is completely retractile. 5 branchial plumes are tripinnate. No mandibles or radula. One of the commonest Pa- cific Coast species. In tide pools at all times of the year, especially common in summer. Coiled t^^ band is yellow. Family POLYCERIDAE Body limaciform (slug-like); branchial plumes not retractile. Genus Laila MacFarland 1905 Laila cockerelli MacFarland Laila Doris Plate i6j Monterey to San Diego, CaHfornia. % inch in length. Rhinophores with 1 3 leaves in the clavus. 5 branchial plumes tripinnate, non-retractile into the cavity. 76 to 82 rows of radula; center with a series of rectangular, flattened plates; on the side are 2 pleural teeth, then 10 to 13 closely set pavement-like uncinal teeth. Glans penis long, armed with 10 to 12 irregular rows of minute, thorn-like hooks. Not very common. Found under shelving rocks in tide pools. Genus Triopha Bergh 1880 Triopba carpenteri Stearns Carpenter's Doris Plate 1 6k Monterey to Point Lobos, California. I inch in length. Rhinophores with 20 to 30 leaves in the club. 5 branchial plumes, large, tripinnate. 30 to 33 rows of radulae, with 4 teeth on the center part (the rhachis); pleural teeth 9 to 18, strongly hooked. Un- cinal teeth 9 to 18, quadrangular in outline. Very common in rock pools. Triopha maculata MacFarland Maculated Doris Plate i6f Monterey to Point Lobos, Cahfornia. I inch in length. Rhinophore stalk and club same length, the latter with 18 leaves. Branchial plumes 5, tripinnate 14 rows of teeth, each row with 4 flattened plates, 4 to 5 pleurals, and 7 to 8 uncinal teeth. Blunt glans penis armed with minute hooks. Abundant in summer in rock pools, in winter un- common. Triopha grandis MacFarland MacFarland's Grand Doris Plate 1 6b California.