Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/387

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2 to 3 inches in length. With 8 to 12 tuberculate processes in front of head, and 6 to 7 more down the sides of the back. Back yellowish-brown, often flecked with bluish spots. Tips of yellow processes, tip of tail and tips of branchial plumes with yellowish red. Rhinophores set in conspicuous sheaths, club yellow with 20 leaves. Branchial plumes 5, bushy, tri- and quadri-pinnate. 18 rows of radular teeth; 4 centrals, 8 pleurals and 8 uncinal teeth. Found on brown kelp. Fairly common. Genus Polycera Cuvier 1817 Frontal margin with finger-like processes. Finger-like processes border- ing branchial plumes. Center of radula naked, flanked by 2 lateral teeth and several uncini. Polycera atra MacFarland Orange-spiked Doris Plate i6e Monterey to San Diego, California. ^/4 to I inch in length. The blue-black lines shown in our figure are usually thinner and less conspicuous. 8 gill plumes. Common on brown algae. 9 to 10 rows of radular teeth, dark-amber; 2 pleurals, 3 to 4 uncinal teeth. Family ONCHIDORIDAE Genus Acanthodoris Gray 1850 Body Dorid-like with a furry back. Labial disk armed with minute hooks. Center of radula naked; first pleural tooth large, external pleurals 4 to 8, small. Glans penis armed. Vagina very long. Acanthodoris pilosa Abildgard Pilose Doris Plate 15b Arctic Seas to New Haven, Connecticut. Alaska. % to 1% inches in length. Semi-transparent. Color variable, ranging from pure white to yellowish white, canary-yellow, yellowish brown, gray- speckled, purple-brown and black. Back covered with soft, slender, conical, pointed papillae, which give it a hairy appearance. Rhinophores long, its club bent backwards and with 19 to 20 leaves. Sheath denticulate. Branchial plumes 7 to 9, large and spreading, tripinnate, transparent. A number of color forms have been described from Alaska by Bergh and from New Eng- land by A. E. Verrill. Radula with about 27 rows. No central tooth, 4 pleurals on each side. Moderately common at low tide, sometimes found out of water,