Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/526

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American Seashells

ous evenly spaced, fine, concentric grooves. Area near umbones smooth. Color glossy and variable: whitish, yellowish or flushed with pink. Interior glossy-yellow or pinkish. A common shallow-water species which should always be compared with lineata. The similar Tellina angulosa Gmelin from the Keys and West Indies is not so elongate, has finer grooves and a more highly glossed surface which is commonly covered with a greenish-yellow, thin periostracum. Common in sand. T. piinicea Born (which Dall called angulosa Gmelin) from the Keys (rare) and West Indies (common) is similar, but is always bright water- melon-red internally and purplish red exteriorly. The pallial sinus just touches the anterior muscle scar, which it does not in alternata or angulosa. Genus Arcopagia Brown 1827 Subgenus Cyclotellina Cossmann 1886 Arcopagia fatista Pulteney 1799 Faust Tellin Plate 40) North Carolina to southeast Florida and the West Indies. 2 to 4 inches in length, oval, moderately inflated, fairly heavy, and smoothish, except for small, rough, concentric lines of growth. Hinge strong, the posterior lateral in the right valve being long and strong. Color outside a semi-glossy-white; inside highly glossed and enamel-white with a yellowish flush. Do not confuse with T. laevigata which is glossy outside and has orange-tinted margins. Moderately common in the West Indies. Donovan gave this species the same name in 1 80 1 . Genus Strigilla Turton 1822 Tellin-like shells, usually oval in shape and with inconspicuous growth lines crossed by fine, oblique, cut lines. There are only four species in the western Atlantic. Strigilla carnaria Linne Large Strigilla Plate 40c North Carolina to Florida and western Caribbean. % to I inch in length, oval, slightly oblique, moderately compressed, fairly thin but strong. Outer surface finely sculptured by cut lines which are obliquely radial in the central and posterior regions of the valve. At the anterior third of the valve, there are wavy, oblique threads running in the opposite direction. Exterior pinkish white with former, concentric growth stages a deeper pink. Interior bright watermelon-red. The upper line of I