Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/527

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the pallial sinus runs directly posterior to the anterior muscle scar. Common in shallow water in sand and commonly washed ashore. West Indian collectors should not confuse this species with Strigilla rombergi Morch (southeast Florida, the Bahamas to Lesser Antilles) which is very similar, except that the upper line of the pallial sinus does not reach the anterior muscle scar. The radial cut lines are more numerous and more curved in rombergi. Common. Strigilla viirabilis Philippi White Strigilla North Carolina to Florida, Texas and the A^est Indies. Vz inch in length, oval, inflated, shiny, all white in color and with the peculiar Strigillid sculpturing which is very similar to that in 5. pisiforinis (the radial cut lines meet the ventral margin of the valves at an angle of about 45 degrees). The pallial line runs forward from the posterior muscle scar but does not reach the anterior muscle scar as it does in pisiforutis. Common. Do not confuse with the larger Divaricella qiiadrisulcata (page 391) which has fine denticulations on the inner margins of the valves. 5. flexuosa Say 1822 is preoccupied by Montagu 1803 and Turton 1807, and must take the name viirabilis Philippi 1841. Strigilla pisijorviis Linne Pea Strigilla Florida Keys, the Bahamas and the AVest Indies. % inch in length, similar to 5. carnaria, but always much smaller and more inflated. The pink color inside is concentrated in the deepest part of the valve, and the margins are usually white. The radial, oblique cut lines meet the ventral margin of the valve at about 45 degrees angle, while in carnaria the Hnes are almost vertical. This is a very abundant species, es- pecially in the Bahamas where they are gathered in great numbers and brought to Florida for use in the shellcraft business. Genus Phylloda Schumacher 18 17 Subgenus Phyllodina Dall 1900 Phylloda sqiiamijera Deshayes Crenulate Tellin Figure 86h North Carolina to the south half of Florida. /4 to I inch in length, elongate, concentrically and finely ridged. Char- acterized by the strong crenulations on the posterior dorsal margin and by the hghtly hooked-down posterior ventral margin. Color whitish with a yellow or orangish tint. Moderately common from low water to 60 fathoms.