Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/590

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American Seashells

Verrill, a. H. 1950: The Shell Collector's Handbook. 228 pp., illus. Putnam's, N.Y. I4.00. Webb, W. F. 1948: Handbook for Shell Collectors. 8th ed., 236 pp., about 1000 species figured. Interesting notes. $5.00. Obtained from author: 2515 Second Ave. N., St. Petersburg, Florida. East Coast of America Aldrich, B. D. E. and E. Snyder 1936: Florida Sea Shells. 126 pp., 11 pis. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. $1.25. About 150 species included. Arnold, Augusta 1903: The Sea Beach at Ebb-Tide. 470 pp., 600 figs. Century, N.Y, Second-hand, I3.00 to I5.00. Section on mollusks included, but out- of-date. Morris, P. A. 1939: What Shell Is That? 198 pp., 175 figs. Appleton-Century, N.Y. $2.25, Small pocket guide for New England collectors. Morris, P. A. 1951: A Field Guide to the Shells of Our Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. 2nd ed. 236 pp., 45 pis. (8 in color). Houghton Mifflin, Boston. $3.75. Names somewhat out-of-date. Perry, Louise 1940: Marine Shells of the Southwest Coast of Florida. 260 pp., 39 pis. Paleontological Research Inst., Ithaca, N.Y. $3.50. Mostly shells of Sanibel Island. Well illustrated, good descriptions. For amateurs and advanced students. Smith, Maxwell 1937: East Coast Marine Shells. 308 pp., illus. Obtained from author, Box 65, Winter Park, Fla. $5.00. Names out-of-date. Vilas, C. N. and N. R. Vilas 1945: Florida Marine Shells. 151 pp., 12 color plates. C. N. Vilas Publ., Box 108, Sarasota, Florida. $2.75. For beginners; names somewhat out-of-date. West Coast of America Keep, J. and J. L. Baily, Jr. 1935: West Coast Shells. 350 pp., 334 text figs. Stanford University Press, Calif. $3.75. AdoRRis, P. A. 1952: A Field Gitide to Shells of the Pacific Coast and Hawaii. 220 pp., illus. Houghton Mifflin, Boston. $3.75. Recommended only for the part concerning our Pacific Coast. Smith, AIaxwell 1944: Panama Marine Shells. 127 pp., illus. Obtained from author, Box 6$, Winter Park, Fla. |6.oo. Directories and U.S. Journals Directory of C on cholo gists. An American and international list of over 900 people interested in mollusks. Gives addresses, interests and exchange activi- ties. Mimeographed. Obtained from: Mr. John Q. Burch, 1584 West Ver- non Ave., Los Angeles 37, Calif. $1.50. Annual Report of the Aiuerican Malacological Union. Names and addresses of over 350 active members. Obtained from: Secrejtary, The American Mala- cological Union, Bufi^alo Museum of Science, Bufi^alo 11, N.Y. The Nautihfs, a quarterly devoted to the interests of conchologists. Technical and semi-popular articles, notes and news. $2.50 per year; quarterly. Dr. H. B. Baker, Bus. Aigr., Zool. Lab., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa.