Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/591

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Guide to the Molluscan Literature

Johnsonia. Monographs of the Aiarine Mollusca of the Western Atlantic (quarto size). W. J. Clench, ed. Museum Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge 38, Mass. $4.00 per year or per 100 pp. Excellent illus., descrip- tions, ranges, collecting localities, book reviews, etc. Occasional Papers on Molhisks. Depart, of MoUusks, Museum Comparative Zo- ology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge 38, Mass. Revisions, bio-bibliographies, medical snails, catalogs and other useful articles. Price list from W. J. Clench, ed. Leaflets in Malacology. S. Stillman Berry, ed., Redlands, Calif. Useful and in- teresting articles, dealing mainly with the Eastern Pacific fauna. Revista de la Sociedad Malacologica ''Carlos de la Torre Univ. Habana, Cuba. C. G. Aguayo, ed. Technical articles of importance in English and Spanish. Current foreign journals are: Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London; Journal of Conchology (Great Britain); Archiv fiir Molhiskenkimde (Frank- furt-am-Main); Journal de Conchyliologie (Paris); Proceedings Malacological Society of Japajj (formerly the Venus) Basteria (Leiden). CHAPTER I— MAN AND MOLLUSKS Mollusks and Medicine in World War II. R. Tucker Abbott. 1948. Smithsonian Ann. Report for ip4J, pp. 325-338, 3 pis. (no. 3933). Snail Invaders. R. Tucker Abbott. Natural History Magazine (N.Y.), Feb. 1950, vol. 59, pp. 80-85, '3 %s. The Venomous Cone Shells. R. Tucker Abbott. 1950. The Science Counselor (Duquesne Univ.), Dec. 1950, pp. 125-126; 153, 3 pis. Molluscan Species in Californian Shell Middens. R. E. Greengo. 1951. Report 75, Univ. Calif. Archaeol. Survey, pp. 1-23. Good bibliography. The Geographical Distribution of the Shell-Purple Industry. J. W. Jackson. 19 1 6. Memoirs and Proc. Manchester Literary and Philos. Soc, vol. 60, pt. 2, no. 7, 29 pp., map. The Use of Cowry-Shells for the Purposes of Currency, Amulets and Charms. J. W. Jackson. 19 16. Ibid., vol. 60, pt. 3, 72 pp., maps. Shell Trumpets and Their Distribution in the Old and New World. J. W. Jackson. 1916. Ibid., vol. 60, pt. 2, no. 8, 22 pp. The Geographic Distribution of the Use of Pearls and Pearl-Shell. J. W. Jackson. 191 6. Ibid., vol. 60, pt. 3, no. 12, 53 pp. Memoire sur la Pourpre. H. Lacaze-Duthiers. 1859. Annales des Science Natu- relles (Zoologiq7(e), 4th series, vol. 12, pp. 5-84, 2 pis. Ethno-Conchology: A Study of Primitive Money. R. E. C. Stearns. 1889. Annual Report U.S. Nat. Mus. for 1886-87, 'pp. -97-334' 9 P^^- (^"^ ^^ print) . The Use of Marine Mollusca and Their Value in Reconstructing Prehistoric Trade Routes in the American Southwest. D. B. Tower. 1945. Papers Exca- vators-Club (Cambridge, Mass.), voJ. 2, no. 3, pp. 1-54. Illus. European Ballast Shells in Staten Island, N.Y. M. P. Weingartner. 195 i. The Nautilus, vol. 65, p. 132. Trade Marks. W. W. Wigginton. 1946. The Shell Magazine (Asiatic Petroleum Co.), London, vol. 26, no. 480, Dec, pp. 322-324. Also see the Jubilee Pam- phlet of the "Shell" Transport and Trading Co., Ltd. (London), 1947, 26 pp., illus.