Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/601

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Guide to the Molluscan Literature

Illustrated Key to West North American Gastropod Genera. A. M. Keen and J. C. Pearson. 1952. Stanford Univ. Press. 39 pp., illus. Rather helpful, with useful pen drawings. Mollusks from the West Coast of Mexico and Central America. L. G. Hertlein and A. M. Strong. 1940-50. Pts. i to 10. Zoologica (N.Y. Zool. Soc), vols. 25 to 36. Very useful for more southern species. Distributional List of the West American Marine Mollusks. By numerous au- thors; edited by John Q. Burch. Proc. Conch. Club Southern Calif. 1945- 46. Mimeographed. Very valuable, with up-to-date names, locality records, habits, some identification hints and drawings. Alaska Marine Shells of Drier Bay, Knight Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska. W. J. Eyerdam. 1924. The Naiitihis, vol. 38, pp. 22-28. Shell Collecting in Puget Sound and Alaska. Fred Baker. 19 10. The Nautilus, vol. 24, pp. 25-31. Notes on the Mollusca of Forrester Island, Alaska. G. Willett. 191 8. The Nautilus, vol. 32, pp. 65-69; ibid., vol. 33, pp. 21-28. British Columbia Notes on the Marine Mollusca of the Pacific Coast of Canada. G. W. Taylor. 1899. Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 2, vol. 5, sec. 4, pp. 233-250; see also ibid., 1895, vol. I, pp. 17-100. Report on the Marine Shells of British Columbia. C. F. Newcombe. 1893. Bidl. Nat. Hist. Soc. Brit. Col., pp. 31-72. On Some Marine Invertebrata from the Queen Charlotte Islands. J. F. Whiteaves. 1880. Geol. Survey Canada, Report of Progress, iSjS-yp, pp. 190B-205B. Washi7igton Marine Shells of Puget Sound and Vicinity. Ida S. Oldroyd. 1924. Puget Sound Biol. Sta., Univ. Wash., vol. 4, pp. 1-272, 49 pis. Oregon Edible Mollusca of the Oregon Coast. C. H. Edmondson. 1920. Occas. Papers, B. P. Bishop Mus., Honolulu, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 179-201, 6 figs. The Pelecypoda of the Coos Bay Region, Oregon. Yocum, H. B. and E. R. Edge. The Nautilus, vol. 43, pp. 49-51. 1929. An Index Method for Comparing Molluscan Faunules. H. G. Schenck and Myra Keen. 1937. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc, vol. 77, pp. 161-182. Calijornia The Marine Molluscan Fauna from the Vicinity of Bolinas Bay, California. Bruce L. Clark. 191 4. The Nautilus, vol. 28, pp. 25-28. The Gastropod Fauna of the Intertidal Zone at Moss Beach, San Mateo Co., Calif. H. E. Vokes. 1936. The Nautilus, vol. 50, pp. 46-50.