Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/602

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American Seashells

Molluscan Fauna from San Francisco Bay. E. L. Packard. 191 8. Univ. Calif. Fubl. 2jOoI., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 199-452, pis. 14-60. Ecological Aspects of a California Marine Estuary. G. E. MacGinitie. 1935. Amer. Midlmid Natwalist, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 629-765. Partial List of the Molluscan Fauna of Catalina Island. A. M. Strong. 1923. The Nautilus, vol. 37, pp. 37-43. Mollusks of Anaheim Bay, California. E. P. Cmace. 19 16. The Nautilus, vol. 29, pp. 1 29-1 3 1. The Marine Mollusks and Brachiopods of Monterey Bay, California, and ^icinity. A. G. Smith and M. Gordon. 1948. Froc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th ser.. vol, 26, no. 8, pp. 147-245. Excellent and with a full bibliography of the region. Mollusks and Brachiopods Collected in San Diego, California. F. W. Kelsey. 1907. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. i, no. 2, pp. 31-55. Common Marine Bivalves of California. J. E. Fitch. 1953. Calif. Fish Bull., no. 90, 102 pp., 63 figs. Excellent and reliable. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES Abbott, R. Tucker 1955: Introducing Seashells. vi + 64 pp., 10 pis. (6 in color), text figs. D. Van Nostrand, N.Y. $2.50. A guide and introduction for beginners. American A4alacological Society 1955: How to Collect Shells. 50 pp. Buffalo Museum of Science, Bufi^alo 11, N.Y. $1.00. A very useful booklet compiled by numerous experts. Barnard, K. H. 1952: A Begiimefs Guide to South African Shells. 215 pp., 5 color pis., numerous text figs. Maskew Aliller Ltd., Cape Town. $3.00. GuTSELL, J. S. 193 1 : Natural History of the Bay Scallop. 63 pp. Bulletin Bureau Fisheries, vol. 46 (Document no. iioo). Washington, D.C. Technical. HoRNELi., James 195 i: Indian Molluscs, iv + 96 pp., i color pi., 70 text figs. Bombav Natural History Society, Apollo St., Bombay. $1.50. Excellent and interesting reading. Hutchinson, W. M. 1954: A. Child^s Book of Sea Shells. 28 pp., illustrated in color. Maxton Publishers Inc., N.Y. 75 cents. Excellent for 7 to 9 year olds. Johnson, Myrtle E. 1954: West Coast Marine Shells. 36 pp., 16 text figs. Natural History A^useum, San Diego i, Calif. 65 cents. A useful beginner's booklet. Olsson, a. a. and Anne Harbison 1953: FUocene Mollusca of Southern Florida. viii -I- 457 pp., 6^ pis. Academy Natural Sciences, Phila. 3, Pa. $8.00. Many living species included. Excellent plates. Perry, L. M. and J. S. Schwengel 1955: Marine Shells of the Western Coast of Florida. 198 pp., 55 pis. Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, N.Y. $7.00. Very useful.