Page:An Australian language as spoken by the Awabakal.djvu/166

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Gan unnug Aviyellin yc5g? m., who is talking out there?

Who there talking there?

G;i nil u g hi w i y j'l n? m., whom do you tell? to whom do you

Whom thou speakest? speak?

Emmoug? galin? baruii? m.,me? us two? them?

Me? US-two? them?

K li r i-k o-b a wiyellabitia; m., speak to me in the black's Man-l)elonging-to speak thou-me. lano^uage.

"Wiyea-ka bitia; kara tia wiyella; m., tell me again; Speak-again thou-me; slowly me tell. speak distinctly.

"Wonnug borin ball wiyella? m., what shall we two

Where first thou-I speak? first talk about?

Kabo-kabo, wiya-wiyelli koa ba g; «?., stay, stay, that I Presentljs talk-talk-may vt I. may have some talk.

Wonnen bagwiyanun unni yitara? m., how am I to Which-way I speak-will this name? call this?

T a k u n t a b i 1 o a w i y a? m., when did he tell you? At-what-time he-thee told '? W i y a n b a n u g g a r o k i 1 1 i-k o; m.,1 command thee to arise.

Tell I-thee for-to-arise.

Unta bali-bi w iy ellala y ur aki; m., this is where Ave There thou-I conversed formerly. conversed to'i'ctlier.

Kaiyalleiin gali clock wiy elli-biru g; «?., theclockhas Ceased-has this clock talking-from. done striking.

Takouii-ta ke binug wiya-nun; when will you tell At-what-time be thou-him tell-will? him?

Wiya-nun binug b a, wiya-nun g a i y a t i a; Tell-will thou-him when, tell-will then me.

m., when you tell him, let me know.


Patin gali koiwon-to;;«., it is raining. Urop this rain.

Kabo-ka-ta tura-niin gaiya bin; m., by-and-by you will

By-and-by pierce-will then thee be speared.

Bulka-ka ba noa b utti k an-ka-ba; OT.,he is on horseback.

Back he beast - at.

K e a w a i k o 1 a g bag g u t a n; m., 1 am not going to give.

Not towards I give.

G u k i 1 1 a ball u n n o a; m., let you and me give one

Give-reciprocally thou-I that another, i.e., exchange.

Kora koa napal uwaii kuri-katoa? 7»., why do not women

Not vt women move men - with? go with the men?

Yanoa, yirriyirri ka-ke; m., because it is a sacred concern.

Let-be, sacred is.

Pita] k r i e n bag s h o e - 1 i n;?«., I am displeased with the

Joy not I shoe-from. shoe.

P u 1 1 i g w i - k o - b a; vi.,a strange language; a foreign tongue. Voice strange-belonging-to.

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