Page:An Essay on Translated Verse - Roscommon (1684).djvu/35

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( 15 )

Be not too fond of a Sonorous Line;
Good Sence will through a plain expression shine.
Few Painters can such Master strokes command,
As are the noblest in a skilful Hand.
In This, your Author will the best advise,
Fall when He falls, and when He Rises, Rise.
Affected Noise is the most wretched Thing,
That to Contempt can Empty Scriblers bring.
Vowels and Accents, Regularly plac'd
On even Syllables (and still the Last)
Tho all imaginable Faults abound,
Will never want the Pageantry of Sound.
Whatever Sister of the learned Nine
Do's to your Suit a willing Ear incline,
Urge your success deserve a lasting Name,
She'l Crown a Grateful and a Constant Flame.
But if a wild Uncertainty prevail,
And turn your Veering heart with ev'ry Gale,
