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loose, light, unsubstantial, esp. in the foll. senses: 1) dry, light peats mouldering away, esp. peats damaged by frost (or rain). Also fjost [fjȯst] (N.Roe). 2) trash; worthless stuff, e.g. of poor corn; work badly done. 3) haze; light, misty clouds, a fjosk ower de sky; Ai.; Nm.; Fe. 4) something carelessly flung aside or rolled together; esp. in the expr. “in a f.”, in disorder; slovenly, etc.; Nm.; cf. fjogg2, sb.No. f(j)usk, n., Da. fusk, a) something loose and light (empty, unsubstantial); b) work badly done; No. fuskegras, n., withered grass.

fjosk [fjȯsk], vb., to hurry with a piece of work in a careless manner, to f. at onyting [‘something’]. N.Roe. No. fuska, Da. fuske, vb., to bungle.

fjosket [fjȯskət], adj., slovenly; untidy; a f. craeter’ [‘creature’]; U. (Uwg.). Deriv. of fjosk, sb. Cf. No. fjuskutt, adj., empty; unsubstantial; shabby; ragged, etc., from fjusk, n.

fjost, sb., see fjosk, sb. 1.

fjosti [fjȯsti], adj., of peats: damaged by frost (or rain); f. peats. N.Roe. For *fjoski. Deriv. of fjosk (f. 1), sb.

fjug, sb. and vb., see fjog2, sb., and fjog, vb.

fjugg, sb., see fjogg2, sb.

fjugget, adj., see fjogget, adj.

fjuglins [fjoglɩns] and fjoglins [fjɔglins], sb. pl., refuse, offals of fish (esp. of halibut), cut into pieces for bait, turbot [‘halibut’]-f. Yh. n. and Den.: fjuglins. Uwg.: fjoglins. Doubtless to be classed with No. fjugl, n., poor, unserviceable material (R.).

fjuk, sb., see fjog2, sb.

fjukset, adj., see fjokset, adj.

*fjumtan, num., see *fjomtan.

fjungs [fjo‘ŋs], sb., 1) slovenliness; disorder; carelessness; tangle; de hair is in a f., the hair is dishevelled (Fe.); slovenly, ragged dress

or state of dress, = fjunks, sb. N.I.; Wests. (Sa.). 2) untidy, slovenly and careless person, = fjungsi; U.; Wests. (Sa.). *fums. Fær. funs, n., slovenly, careless, bungling person. See fjunks and fjonks, sbs.

fjungs [fjo‘ŋs], vb., to slight over; to walk in a careless manner, to geng fjungsin aboot. Wests. (Sa.). *fumsa. Fær. funsa, vb., to carry out work slovenly and carelessly.

fjungset [fjo‘ŋsət] and fjungsi [fjo‘ŋsi], adj., slovenly; untidy; careless; a f. creature; U.; Wests. (Sa.). Also with baggy, flapping garments, fjungset (Uwg.). Of hair: untidy; dishevelled; de hair is a’ [‘all’] f. (Fe.). fjongset [fjȯ‘ŋsət] is reported from Yh. in sense of slovenly; a “fjongset” røll, a foal with tangled hair (when shedding its coat). *fumsóttr. Fær. funsutur, adj., slovenly; careless; bungling.

fjungsi [fjo‘ŋsi] and fjunksi [fjo‘ŋksi], sb., shabbily or poorly dressed person; Un. fjungsi is reported from Uwg. in sense of an untidy, slovenly person, or one with wide, flapping garments. Deriv. of fjungs, sb.

fjunk1, sb., see fjonk, sb.

fjunk2, sb., see funk, sb.

fjunks [fjo‘ŋks], sb., slovenly, ragged dress or condition, to geng in a f. Y. From Yh. is reported fjonks [fjȯ‘ŋks]; de claes [‘clothes’] is [‘are’] in a fjonks, the clothes fit badly (esp. of shabby or ragged clothes). Really same word as fjungs, sb.; q.v.

fjæl, sb., see fjel, sb.

fjølg [fjølg], sb., loose, ragged dress, a f. o’ pels (pel = rag); to geng in a f. Also fjolg [fjȯlg]. Nms. (Bard.). Prob. for *fjøgl (*fjogl) by metathesis of gl to lg, and the same word as No. fjøgl, n., glitter; finery; tomfoolery; cf. Fær. fjöggur, m., an old rag or patch.

fjörd, sb., see fjord2, sb.

fjörek, sb., see fjorek, sb.