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hekel1, sb., see hegel1, sb.

hekel2, sb., see hek, sb.

hekk [hæk], sb., a frame of wood; esp.: a) a rack in which a train-oil lamp, koli, is placed; b) a rack for horses and sheep (lambs), hay-hekk. No. hekk, m., a rack for horses, and hekka, f., a wooden rack on the side of a hay-cart, Da. hæk, hække, c., Sw. häck, Eng. dial., L.Sc. heck, hay-rack.

hekk [hɛk], vb., partly to cut, partly to tear up the thin, poor corn that cannot be reaped in the usual way; to h. op corn. Nms. Poss. orig. to break, and the same word as older Da. (No.?) hekkes, vb., to wrestle (Kalkar II, 196. Acc. to Moth).

hekl, hekkel1 [hækəl], sb., a species of yellowish coral, bastard coral, that often gets on to the fishing lines. Ai. (W.Burr.). Conn. Is doubtless the same word as No. hekla, f., stubble, in e.g. heklemo, m., a stony plain covered with straggling stubs of withered brushwood.

hekl, hekkel2 [hɛkəl, hækəl], sb., thin, lean corn that cannot be reaped in the usual way, but must partly be torn up. Du., Nmw. The relation to the verbs hekk and hekl2 (hekkel) is uncertain. It is conceivable that there is association with No. hekla, vb., barely to hold together, as Shetl. henkl, henkel, sb., poor, lean corn, etc. (q.v.), doubtless must be referred to No. hengla, vb., barely to get a thing to hold together.

hekl1, hekel [hɛkəl, hækəl] and hegl, hegel [hegəl], vb., 1) to walk bent and heavily, swaying the hips. Ai.: heg(e)l. 1) to walk unsteadily and jerkily, as on crutches. Du.: hek(e)l; to geng heklin. 3) to hop on one leg. Du.: hek(e)l. — No. høkla, vb., a) to trip along; b) to walk with bent knees, lifting the feet carefully; c) to exert oneself in running without making much progress.

hekl2, hekkel [hɛkəl, hækəl], vb., = hekk, vb.; to h. (h. op) corn. S.Sh. (Conn.; Du.). Wests.; Nmw. Is doubtless the word hackle, vb., No. hekla, L.Sc. heckle, vb.Shetl. hek(ke)l is also used in sense of to hackle, to comb wool; to h. oo’ [‘wool’].

hekla [hækla, hɛ̄əkla (hēkla, hǣəkla)], sb., sea-term, tabu-name in fishermen’s lang. for the ray (fish). U. (Un.). Metaphoric application of O.N. hekla, f., a cloak. The shape of the fish might indicate the latter. For the change in meaning cf. a) Shetl., prop. L.Sc. “*cockety-fan”, noted down in Fo., denoting partly a high hood for women, partly a ray, and b) L.Sc. bannet, partly a bonnet, partly a flounder, turbot. Edm. gives “heckla” in the sense of dog-fish; not further confirmed in this sense.

heksi [hɛksi, hæksi], sb., a witch; also used as a disparaging term of a repulsive-looking, old woman. Barclay: hexie. Da. heks, No. heksa, Germ. hexe, f., a witch.

hel [hēl, hēəl, hel], adj., whole, = O.N. heill, adj., L.Sc. hale. In a special sense strong, healthy = O.N. heill and L.Sc. hale, “hel and weel [‘well’]”, quite well, corresponds to O.N. vel heill.

hel [hēl, hēəl], vb., to become whole, to be healed; de sore (wound) hels, is helin again. Fo. From “heilask”, middle form from O.N. heila, vb., to make whole; to restore (No. heila).

hella1, sb., see helli, sb.

hella2 [(hɛla) hɛᶅa, heᶅa] and more comm. hellek [(hɛlək, hælək) hɛᶅək, heᶅək], sb., a flat rock, partly in a special sense, a smooth, sloping rock. hellek: comm. hella, esp. in the compd. ufsahella, a flat stone along the eaves of a house, also ufsahellek (q.v.). a hellek [heᶅək (hɛᶅək)] o’ frost (N.Roe), a sheet of ice on the ground; a film of ice.