Page:An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland Part I.pdf/59

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ondary accent) ljo, e.g.: *ljūs [ljós], *ljus (see Fragments of Norn, verse of a song). *ataljos [*aptrljós], attaljos.

For ljó > ᶅū and (with dropped palatalization) , see §§ 19 (note) and 39.


24. In a number of feminine words ending in a, and with a as the root-vowel, the u-mutation has found its way into the nominative[1].

blɔka, blɔk, bloga [Icel. blaðka], blokk and blokka. *bɔŋga [bang]. fjora, fjɔra [fjara]. flȯdərək, flōd(ə)rək1 [*flaðra], fladrek, flodrek. fȯdək [fata] = fedek (fiddek), etc. lōdi [hlaða]1, lodi1. lɔŋgafish [langa]. *skjɔldra [*skjaldra]. so‘lta [*salta], sulta. ø̄g, jōg [aða], jog1.

a of the stem has been preserved in e.g.: bläᶇda [blanda]. a in blānd = bland2, has been lengthened.

25. The dropping of i-mutation, in many cases, is characteristic of the Shetlandic dialect.

ā, a have replaced ē ɛ, æ e.g.: to hwarv [hverfa], hwarv2. lāma = lēm [hlemmr], lemm. to râg [reka], rag2. (droᶅ-)ᶊlâgət [-slegit], drollslaget = troll-. vâr [verði], var3, vb. (see vâr, IV, § 29). to vāv [vefja]. — ō (ɔ) (orig. á) has replaced ē (ɛ) (orig. æ) in e.g.: hōrin [*hæringr]. lōrin [*læringr]. rō [hræ], ro3. to rōn [ræna], ron1. *ᶊəᶅō·ga [Icel. sjálægja], *sjologa, etc. to sōd [sæta]. sōdi (sɔdi) [sæti], sodi1. to sprōn [O.N. spræna]. strōdi [O.N. stræti], strodi1. ūgjōvous [úgæfr]. Cf. verse 4 in the Foula ballad: “osta” [hæsta], v. 25: “grothe” [grætr], v. 35: “bo” [bæði]. In Low’s list of words: “oron” [= ær-in], ewe. smōra. — o (ɔ), u, ū (orig. o, u, ó, ú) have replaced ø, ø̄, ȯ, ə, ɩ, i, i̇̄ (orig. y, œ, ý) in e.g.: to āndū [O.N. andœfa]. *boga [O.N. bygg], *bugga. borlibānd; cf. vattaband. *droka [O.N. drykrr and drykkja], *drukka. hūnək [hœna]. hjɔ‘nsa, jɔ‘nsi. orməl, urməl [*yrmill or yrmlingr]. ros(s)i and roᶊən, ruᶊən [hryssa-n], russen, etc. to rū [O.N. rýja], ru4. to stū [O.N. stýfa], stu1. trogəl [trygill], trugel, truggel1. Cf. verse 30 in the Foula ballad: “otsta” [ytsta].

In a number of words, forms without mutation are found side by side with mutated forms. Alternation between ō and ø̄ appears in klōvin and klø̄vin; between ū and ø̄ in būnək and bø̄nək = bø̄nhus, krūgi and krø̄gi [*krœki], krugi2, krøgi.

Alternation between ø and ɔ (ɔu) occurs in e.g.: østət milk (comm.) and ɔstət (ɔustət) milk [yst mjólk].

26. Breaking of “e, i” is found in a few words where it is absent in O.N.: bja‘rtin [birtingr]. to *fjâl [fela]. Cf. Kwatə jāda [hvat er þat], see Fragments of Norn, conversation, and verse 4 in the Foula ballad “Whar an yaar” [hvar hann er], v. 13: “yach” [ek]. — for orig. “é” is found in: spjâlər [*spélari]; on the other hand, *spjēlman.

  1. Cf., however, the change “a” > o, ɔ, ō, mentioned in § 1.