Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/407

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I THE TONGA ISLANDS. 341 gave him the watch-word, which he was unable to answer; instantly the Fiji warrior struck him so violent a blow on the head with his club, that he buried it in his brains : the club had got so locked into the broken skull, that he could not immediately withdraw it; and he probably would have left it there, but discover- ing what a great chief he had killed, his club from that moment became exceedingly valuable to him ; the pledge as it were of future great successes, as long as he kept it in his possession : the triumph of his feelings, therefore, pre- vented him from seeing or hearing another man, who was fast approaching ; and whilst he was in the act of disengaging his club, his own brains were knocked out, and his speculations as suddenly destroyed, by one of Teoo Cava's men, whose swiftness of foot brought him just in time to revenge his fallen chief, by laying his enemy prostrate by his side : but dangers were thickening round him, and he was com- pelled to leave the body of Teoo Cava on the field, and secure his own existence by a speedy flight to Hihifo ; where all who succeeded in making their escape quickly arrived. The body of Teoo Cava was soon found by the enemy ; it was conveyed to their fortress, cut to pieces, and (must it again be said !) dressed for food. Among the garrison of Hihifo there was a