Page:An account of the natives of the Tonga Islands.djvu/408

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chief named Ata; he was not an old man, but he had a great reputation for political wisdom, and military skill. He was a native of the island, but at the time of the revolution his friends and acquaintance had all gone over to the Hapai islands for peace and safety. He however resolved to remain for the sake of his oldest and most sincere friend, Teoo Cava, and to assist and stand by him to the last ; (for Ata was endowed also with some of the best quali- ties of the human heart). As Teoo Cava was now no more, Ata, conscious of his skill in war, and the confidence which all the men placed in him, proposed to take upon himself the com- mand of the garrison j and his offers were gladly accepted. The other garrisons of the island soon hearing of the death of Teoo Cava, and the great losses he had sustained, several of them entered into league against Hihifo, and shortly commenced a siege, which lasted fourteen days ; but at length, quarrelling among themselves, and finding the besieged hold out so manfully, and withal being struck with awful astonishment, at the extraordinary bravery of Maccapapa*, who was said to be in- vincible by the immediate protection of the gods J — they raised the siege, and each party

  • It will be recollected that Maccapapa was formerly in the

service of Toe Oomoo ; but at the peace he left Vavaoo, ap- prehensive that Fin aw might play him some treaclvery.