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CUPS C u p s with handle. m XXXII, 195.

with side ornaments. ^ XXXII, 196.

Curcuma longa, L . 薑 黃 X X, 154.

var. macrophylla, Miq. ^ ^

Curios. See Antiques and curios. Curtains. r|)隹

Defaecation and urination.

Cutting off the feet, punishment of. 則 刑 X X X I ,15〇 . Cuttle-fish {Sepia) . 烏 賊 X I X ,146. 11, r〇2- I〇4.

Cynanchum amplexicaule, Hemsl., and other sp.

白 微 X X , I57. 鎖 陽 XX,

Cynomorium coccineum^ L., order Balanophorem, Cyperacea^ sp., ching-san-leng. 荆 三 稜 XX, m Cyperus rotundus, L. X X ,107. Cypress {Cupressusfunebris, End.).



XX, 203, 204.

Dalbergia hupeana^ Hance . 不 齎X X ,254. D a m a s k . 緩 XXVII, 3”, Dancing (with posturing and gestures) . 舞 X X I X ,85-90. Dandelion {Leontodon Taraxacum^ L.). XX, 171. Daphne genkwa. S. & Z. iSI "ty, XX. no. D a r d s • 陀 歷 VIII, e3. Date-palm ^Phoenix daciylifera^ L . ) . 無^ 漏 子 * X X ,3ro_ Batura alhat Nees, and Camelliajaponica%L. Daughters. 女 子 ^11, 53-56.

曼 陀 羅 X X ,I24 .

filial• 閨 孝 X V I , 32-39 〇 32-38]. Daughters-in-law. See Mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law. Day. See Morning, evening, day and night.

of worship at the tombs of ancestors (19th of the 2nd moon).

II, 39-41-

D a y s of public mourning (on the anniversaries of the death of sovereigns of the reigning dynasty). 忌、曰 XXVIII ,136. Deafness. See Ear, pathology of. Dearth. See Plenty and dearth. Death. See Life and death.

early. See Longevity and early death.

Deaths from (1) hanging, (2) falls, (3) devil-possession, (4) drowning,

五 絶 門 • See Medical science, XVII, 349.

violent and sudden. 卒 中 暴死門. See Medical science,

and (5) crushing.

X V I I ,348. Decorous behaviour. ‘ D e c o r u m Ritual•’

See Dignity of demeanour. 儀帀豊 X X I ,229-236.

See also Ritual, the three books of.

Decrees. See Imperial decrees. Deeds. See Words and deeds.

legal. ^ ^

XXIII, 259. Deer, chi (? Hydropotes). X IX ,76 .

musk (3 fosckus moschiferus).

X IX 5 77 .

river- (Hydropofes inermis). See Muntjak.

tailed {Cervus davidianus). 麋 鹿 X I X , m

Defaecation. See also Infantile defaecation.

Medical science,

^jj X X V I , 101, 102.

X X V , 89, 9 〇 .

X X V ,9^-97. Degrees. See also Examinations3 etc.

specially granted.

第 XXV, 口 8. Delight. See Sorrow and delight. Deluges. See Rains, disastrous. Demons. See Spirits. D endroM um nobile^ Lindl. 石 斛 XX, Dentistry. S ee Teeth, pathology of. Departing and remaining. 出 處 X X I I , 136-138. Department for arranging the ceremonial of envoys to and from

obtaining a .

Cuscuta chinensiSj Lem., & C.japonica, Chois. 菟 繇 子 x x , ~ Cus t o m s influenced through Imperial decrees. See Manners and customs. Cutch peninsula. See Kach.

S ee

XV, 22.


Degree, failure to obtain a.


Degradation and dismissal from office.

X X } 163.



XVII, 284-287.

urination,and menstruation,

長 X X X I I ,232.

Cyclical system of reckoning time. C y m b a l s . 敛 XXI X , i〇 〇 .





other States.

xi, 405-411 [h. 406-409].

Magistrates. 州 牧 XI, 631-640 [<5. 632-637].

of Imperial chariots and processional regalia. 儀 衞 XI ,

423, 424 b. 424]. Depression, nervous.)膜十農門. Medical science, XVII ,346.

Deputy or acting appointments.

S ee

Substantive and acting appoint­


聖 裔 XI, 115-123 [h. 117-121],

of past dynasties, enfeoffment of (originating with the honours

bestowed by W u W a n g on the descendants of the three Emperors Huang Ti, Yao, and Shun). XI, 109-114. Descendants of Confucius, ennoblement of.

of the Sages, ennoblement of.

賢 XI, 124-128 Desires, regulation o f . 理爸 ^ X XI I ,64. Despatches, official. 檄 移 XXIII, I57, I5s.

[3 .].

transmission of. See Courier post.

Destiny, human. See Fate and destiny. D e u izia g r a c ilis ^L. 馊 疏 X X ,3〇8.

Devil-possession. See Deaths from . . . devil-possession, etc. Devils. See Spirits. Devotion to Tao (of Confucianism). ^ ^ XXII, 169-176 [5 . 170-176].


露 I,86.

strange phenomena connected with.

Dhafar. See Zafar. Dhanakataka. See D ia n th u s,


I V ,8 i ,82.


剪 春 羅 XX,I24 .

sp., chien-cK un-lo.

Diarrhcea. See also Infantile vomiting and diarrhoea.

and dysentery. 泄交寫 門 . See Medical science, XVII,

272-276. See Gambling.


D id a m n u s albus,

L .


D ie r v illa gran diflora, Sieb.


X X ,158. Zucc.

楊 植


Dignity of d e m e a n o u r . 威 儀 X XI I ,8r. Diligence. See Industry and intelligence.


See Nagara.

D ioscorea quinqueloba,





See Ladles.



Director of Education.

D zpsacus a sfer,




學 XI, 6〇 8 [<5.].

,3.6 .