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of Studies, attached to a Prefecture. [p. 661].


Director Disease


XI, 661,662


l a r g e . 廠 X X X I I ,197,

miscellaneous. 雜 飮 器 XXXII, 198.

of rhinoceros horn,

XXXII, 197. D r i v i n g . 御 XVII , 19.

,8 7 ,肌



from exposure to c o l d . 美 C 門 . Medical science, XV I I ,249, 250 .、 , 、 D r o p s y . 鐘 滕 P^. See Medical science, XVII, 328-331.

d a m p . 、

濕 門 . See Moisture in the system.

See also Infantile swellings or dropsy.

h e a t . 暑 門 . See Medical science, XVII, 251, 252.

D r o u g h t . 旱 災 I V ,86-96.

wind. 風門. See Medical science, XVII, 237-245.

Drowning. See Deaths from . . . drowning, etc. Disgrace. See Honour and disgrace. D r o w s i n e s s and lassitude. 嗜

  • 臥 門 . See Medical science,

D i s m i s s a l from office. See Degradation and dismissal. X V I I , 343. Diso r d e r s , strange. 怪 病 門 . See Medical science, XVII, 349. D r u g s , vegetable. See Herbs. Disporum sessile^ Don. 淡 竹 葉 X X , D r u m s , military. See Bells, gongs, and drums. Disposition, moral. See Nature and disposition.

tambourines, and gongs.

X X I X ,129-132. Disquisitions, XXIII, 171. D r y n e s s in the s y s t e m . 燥 Medical science, XVII, 255. District Gaol Master. XI, 659, 660 [<5. 659]. D u c k . 鴨 X I X ,32, 33_

Magistrates. 縣 令 XI, 645-655 [b. 646-650].

mandarin {Anas galericulata).鴛

X I X ,47. Distrust and avoidance of persons. 忌 XIII,104. — wild• 堯 X I X ,32. ’’ Divination. See also Prognostication. D u c k w e e d {Lemna minor^ L . ) . 萍 X X ,67.

by the tortoise-shell and by the stalks of plants. |> 傲

D u e s and imposts, miscellaneous. X X V I I ,217-232. X V I I ,541-564 [<5. 559-562]. D u m b n e s s . See Voice, affections of.

according to the diagrams of the T Ching. See (Book of

D u m p l i n g s , steamed. 米 盖X X V I I ,266. Changes/ XXI, 95-110. — stuffed. 綜 X X V I I ,268.

b y dissecting written characters.

柝 字 X V I I , 7 4 7 , 748. D u s t and ashes. 衣 塵 V , Diviners, famous. See Divination, XVII, 559-562. Diseases

See Achillea sibirica ; Divination. D o c t o r s , famous. See Medical science, XVII, 524-537. ‘ D o c t r i n e of t h e M e a n , ’ 中 庸 X X I ,283-286.

See also 1 Four Books/

Dog. XIX, 115-118. D o g - d a y s (from about the middle of July to the middle of August). 伏 日 n ,56.


D o g - h e a d e d nation. Dogs,



VIII 129 .

animals in general. 音 See Ass. D o o r - s c r e e n s and blinds, bamboo. Doors. P I 戶 X X X I I , 13 4.

總 剖





白 X X X I I ,235.

. 鱷 魚 • feGavial. Eagle.


and sewers.

D r a u g h t s m e n , famous. Drdv





说々 to).

See Painting and drawing, X V I I , 767-788.

phenomena relating to.



spirit of.

V I I I 76.

夢 I V , 144-152. strange manifestations connected with.


IV, &

m e l o n . 爹

^ X X ,104. See Pottery. E a r t h w o r m {Lumhncus). 蚯 蚓 X I X , I9a E a s t e r n guardian mountain. See I M.

sacred mountain. See T'ai M.

watercourse (of ancient China). See Huai R.


XXXII, 228.

See Food and drink. Drinking. See Eating and drinking.

ceremonies connected with the selection of officials.

X X V I I I , 3〇7, 3〇8 .

地 異 I V ,115-121. 后 土 皇 地 祇 XVIII ,12.

(soil). 土 V ,5.

See also Five elements.



X I X , 159.

See also Heaven and earth.

in general. 坤 輿 總 部 V ,1-4.

. 達羅昆荼


石 決 明

X X X I I ,138.

See Painting a n d drawing.


X I X ,h .

Ear-shen (

D r e a m s . D r ess,


the. 其 X V ,13.

pathology of. 耳 門 • See Medical science, XVII, 154-157.

-— See also Infantile diseases.


XIX, 132. 龍 神 XVIII, 34. D r a g o n - b o a t s festival (5th day of the 5th moon). D r a g o n - f l y . 虫靑玲 X I X ,巧2. Drains

. 第 宅 X X X I I ,75-80. 工 X X X I I ,9.

industry. histories. See XXI, 371-398. Dysentery. See Diarrhoea and dysentery ; Infantile dysentery. Dyeing

X V , 55.

See Chiu. D r a g o n . 龍 X I X , 127-131. Dove.

— scaly.



鶴 . See Osprey. 会2 (外 鶴 姓 X I V ,220. E-pao plant. 鵝 抱 X X ,168.



to one’

s neighbour. XXII, 57.

See also Virtues, the five.

D w a r f s , nation of. See Chiao-yao.


strange phenomena connected w i t h . 犬 ^ ■I V , 17 4.


the. 和 _ VIII,106. D u t y and self-interest. 茅|J XXII ,66. Dutch,
