Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/11

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The Miscellanies.

Book II.
Chap. Page
1. Introductory, 1
2. The Knowledge of God can be attained only through Faith, 3
3. Faith not a product of Nature, 6
4. Faith the foundation of all Knowledge, 8
5. He proves by several examples that the Greeks drew from the Sacred Writers, 12
6. The Excellence and Utility of Faith, 16
7. The Utility of Fear. Objections Answered, 20
8. The Vagaries of Basilides and Valentinus as to Fear being the Cause of Things, 22
9. The Connection of the Christian Virtues, 26
10. To what the Philosopher applies himself, 29
11. The Knowledge which comes through Faith the Surest of All, 30
12. Twofold Faith, 33
13. On First and Second Repentance, 35
14. How a Thing may be Involuntary, 37
15. On the different kinds of Voluntary Actions, and the Sins thence proceeding, 38
16. How we are to explain the passages of Scripture which ascribe to God Human Affections, 43
17. On the various kinds of Knowledge, 45
18. The Mosaic Law the fountain of all Ethics, and the source from which the Greeks drew theirs, 47
19. The true Gnostic is an imitator of God, especially in Beneficence, 57
20. The true Gnostic exercises Patience and Self-restraint, 60
21. Opinions of various Philosophers on the Chief Good, 71
22. Plato's Opinion, that the Chief Good consists in assimilation to God, and its agreement with Scripture, 74
23. On Marriage, 78
Book III.
1. Basilidis Sententiam de Continentia et Nuptiis refutat, 84
2. Carpocratis et Epiphanis Sententiam de Feminarum Communitate refutat, 86
3. Quatenus Plato aliique e veteribus præiverint Marcionitis aliisque Hæreticis, qui a Nuptiis ideo abstinent quia Creaturam malam existimant et nasci Homines in Pœnam opinantur, 89
4. Quibus prætextibus utantur Hæretici ad omnis generis licentiam et libidinem exercendam, 95