Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/12

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5. Duo genera Hæreticorum notat: prius illorum qui omnia omnibus licere pronuntiant, quos refutat, 102
6. Secundum genus Hæreticorum aggreditur, illorum scilicet qui ex impia de deo omnium conditore Sententia, Continentiam exercent, 105
7. Qua in re Christianorum Continentia eam quam sibi vindicant Philosophi antecellat, 110
8. Loca S. Scripturæ ab Hæreticis in vituperium Matrimonii adducta explicat; et primo verba Apostoli Rom. vi. 14, ab Hæreticorum perversa interpretation e vindicat, 112
9. Dictum Christi ad Salomen exponit, quod tanquam in vituperium Nuptiarum prolatum Hæretici allegabant, 113
10. Verba Christi Matt, xviii. 20, mystice exponit, 116
11. Legis et Christi mandatum de non Concupiscendo exponit, 117
12. Verba Apostoli 1 Cor. vii. 5, 39, 40, aliaque S. Scripturæ loca eodem spectantia explicat, 121
13. Julii Cassiani Hæretici verbis respondet; item loco quem ex Evangelio Apocrypho idem adduxerat, 128
14. 2 Cor. xi. 3, et Eph. iv. 24, exponit, 129
15. 1 Cor. vii. 1; Luc. xiv. 26; Isa. lvi. 2, 3, explicat, 130
16. Jer. xx. 14; Job xiv. 3; Ps. l. 5; 1 Cor. ix. 27, exponit, 132
17. Qui Nuptias et Generationem malas asserunt, ii et dei Creationem et ipsam evangelii Dispensationem vituperant, 133
18. Duas extremas Opiniones esse vitandas: primam illorum qui Creatoris odio a Nuptiis abstinent; alteram illorum qui hinc occasionem arripiunt nefariis libidinibus indulgendi, 135
Book IV.
1. Order of Contents, 139
2. The meaning of the name Stromata [Miscellanies], 140
3. The true Excellence of Man, 142
4. The Praises of Martyrdom, 145
5. On Contempt for Pain, Poverty, and other external things, 148
6. Some points in the Beatitudes, 150
7. The Blessedness of the Martyr, 158
8. Women as well as Men, Slaves as well as Freemen, Candidates for the Martyr's Crown, 165
9. Christ's Sayings respecting Martyrdom, 170
10. Those who offered themselves for Martyrdom reproved, 173
11. The objection, Why do you suffer if God cares for you, answered, 174
12. Basilides' idea of Martyrdom refuted, 175
13. Valentinian's Vagaries about the Abolition of Death refuted, 179
14. The Love of All, even of our Enemies, 182
15. On avoiding Offence, 183
16. Passages of Scripture respecting the Constancy, Patience and Love of the Martyrs, 184
17. Passages from Clement's Epistle to the Corinthians on Martyrdom, 187
18. On Love, and the repressing of our Desires, 190
19. Women as well as Men capable of Perfection, 193
20. A Good Wife, 196