Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/539

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iv. 6, ii. 107, 188
v. 20, ii. 90
1 Peter.
i. 6–9, ii. 198
i. 14, 15, 16, ii. 138
i. 17–19, i. 332
i. 21, 22, ii. 138
ii. 1–3, i. 143
ii. 12, i. 313
ii. 18, i. 324
ii. 24, ii. 40
iii. 1–4, i. 320
iii. 8, i. 324
iii. 13, i. 333
iii. 19, ii. 331
iii. 19, 20, ii. 329
iv. 3, i. 332, ii. 391
iv. 5, ii. 188
iv. 8, i. 334, 336, 466, ii. 40, 190
iv. 12, 13, 14, ii. 161
v. 5, ii. 107
1 John.
i. 6, 7, ii. 98
ii. 2–6, i. 340
ii. 4, ii. 104
ii. 18, 19, ii. 105
iii. 3, ii. 103
iv. 7, i. 330
iv. 8–16, ii. 191
iv. 16, ii. 428
iv. 16–18, ii. 185
v. 3, ii. 185
v. 16, 17, ii. 40
5, 6, i. 307
8, 17, ii. 89
22, 25, ii. 341
i. 8, i. 138
iv. 4, ii. 366
v. 6, ii. 241
vi. 9, 11, i. 259
ix. 10, ii. 136
xi. 16, ii. 366
xxi. 6, ii. 388
xxii. 12, ii. 202


Abandoned, the, i. 190.

Abimelech, what he represents, i. 128, 129.

Abodes granted to believers according to their respective merits, ii. 370.

Abraham, the lesson taught him by God, i. 281; and Isaac and Jacob, ii. 12; and Sarah, 362.

Abraham, the three days' journey of, to Moriah, ii. 264, 265.

Abstinence enjoined, i. 201.

Abstraction from material things necessary to obtain a true knowledge of God, ii. 261, etc.

Accusation, employed by the Instructor, i. 168.

Acephalus, the star so called, i. 209.

Acrothorakes, i. 202, and note.

Act well, to, better than to speak well, i. 381.

Adages, the, of philosophers, ii. 392.

Adam, the state in which he was created, ii. 359.

Admonition, i. 164, 177.

Adornment, in what case permitted to women, i. 315.

Adornment, the true, i. 268.

Advent, the, of Christ, the benefits conferred by, i. 100.

Advent, the, of the Instructor, pre-intimations of, ii. 404.

Æacus, and the Delphic oracle, ii. 319.

Ægis, the, of Jove, described poetically, ii. 69.

Æsop quoted, ii. 429.

Æschylus quoted, ii. 288, 296.

Afflictions, voluntary, i. 304.

Agapæ, i. 188, 189.

Agatho, the tragedian, quoted, ii. 300.

Αἰῶνες, i. 342, note.

Alcmæon, i. 403.

Alexander the Great, canonized as a god, i. 90; and the Indian Gymnosophists, a curious story of, ii. 324, 325.

Alexander, the philosopher, referred to, i. 397.

Alexander Polyhistor quoted, i. 436.

Alexarchus, i. 59.

Alexis, the comic poet, quoted, i. 271.

Altar, the true, ii. 428, 429.

Amaranth, i. 237.

Ambiguity prevented by definition, ii. 496, etc.

Amosis, i. 421.

Amours of the gods, the, i. 39, etc.