Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/540

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Amphion of Thebes, i. 17; quoted, ii. 286.

Amusements, i. 325.

Anacharsis, king of the Scythians, a story of, i. 83.

Anacharsis, the philosopher, i. 399, 403; ii. 247.

Anacreon quoted, i. 322.

Analysis and demonstration, ii. 495.

Anaxagoras, i. 403.

Anaxarchus, i. 373.

Androcydes quoted respecting the Ephesian Letters, ii. 247; on drunkenness and gluttony, 430.

Angels, ii. 275; distributed to the nations, 398; good things given by God through, 400; other references to, 412, 414.

Angels that fell, i. 283.

Anger of the gods, the, i. 159, 163.

Animal-worship, i. 45, 46; superior to image-worship, 56.

Animals, the sort forbidden to the Jews as food, i. 326; distinction between, of clean and unclean, its symbolical significance, ii. 488, 489.

Animals, the dialect of, i. 443.

Animals and plants, ii. 497.

Anointing the feet of Jesus, i. 230.

Anointing of Jesus by God, i. 233.

Antinous, i. 55.

Antiochus of Cyzicus, i. 57.

Antipatrus quoted, ii. 278.

Antiphanes, the comic poet, quoted, i. 278.

Antiphon, i. 404.

Antiquity, the, of the Hebrew philosophy, i. 421, etc.

Antisthenes quoted, i. 71, 74; ii. 62.

Anxiety, i. 256.

Aod, i. 425, 426.

Apelles, an anecdote of, i. 270.

Aphrodite, i. 28, 42, 44, 45.

Apion quoted, i. 421.

Apis, an Egyptian god, i. 54, 57, 424.

Apollo, i. 42, 44; meaning of the name, 488.

Apollodorus of Corcyra quoted, ii. 250.

Apollodorus of Cuma, i. 404.

Apostles, the opinion of the, respecting veiling the mysteries of the faith, ii. 257–261; why chosen, 365.

Appetite, the third division of the soul, i. 273; what, ii. 37.

Arabs, the, i. 290.

Aratus quoted, i. 73, 102; ii. 81; quoted by St. Paul, i. 413.

Archilochus quoted, ii. 294.

Archons, the, of Athens, i. 257.

Ares, derivation of the name, i. 66.

Arion of Methymna, i. 17.

Aristippus, the Cyrenean, quoted, i. 232, 234; ii. 67.

Aristo quoted, ii. 62.

Aristocritus, his Positions against Heracliodorus quoted, ii. 239.

Aristophanes quoted, i. 269, 278; ii. 159, 160, 370.

Aristotle quoted, ii. 10, 272.

Ark, the, of the Covenant, ii. 242.

Armour of God, the, i. 104.

Ἄρνες, i. 121.

Art, i. 60, 61, 65, 90.

Artapanus quoted, i. 451.

Artist, the great, i, 90, 91.

Artorius, i. 202.

Arts, the, proceed from God, 364.

Arts, the Barbarians inventors of the, i. 401.

Arts, sophistical and useless, i. 376.

Asclepius, i. 37.

Asking, ii. 490.

Ass, the fish so called, i. 198.

Assent, the causes of, ii. 505.

Assimilation to God, according to Plato, the chief good, i. 74–78.

Associates, i. 325.

Association, with whom to be sought, i. 292.

Ἀστραγάλοι, i. 325, note.

Astronomy, the influence of the study of, ii. 356.

Ἀσωτία, and ἄσωστον, i. 206.

Ἀσώτους, i. 190.

Athene, i. 30; six so named, 36.

Athenodorus, i. 54.

Atheist, the, and the superstitious man, ii. 408.

Atheists, who were so called among the heathen, i. 33, 34, 66.

Athlete, the ancient, i. 297.

Athlete, the true, described, ii. 419.

Attica, the, quoted, i. 423.

Attis, i. 30.

Authors and speakers compared, i. 349–359.

Bacchic Orgies, the, i. 27.

Bacchylides quoted, ii. 262, 286, 299.

Balance, stepping over the, forbidden by Pythagoras, ii. 238.

Banquets, proper conduct at, i. 225.

Baptism, various references to, i. 91, 132, 133, 134, 135, 147, 181, 417; ii. 7, 208.

Baptism, the, of Christ, i. 131.