Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/553

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Purple colour in dress forbidden, i. 262.

Pyrrhonism, its self-contradictions, ii. 500.

Pythagoras, his symbols, ii. 236.

Pythagoras referred to or quoted, i. 393, 394, 395, 397; ii. 54.

Pythagoreans, the, i. 72, 177, 383.

Pythic grasshopper, the, i. 17.

Reason to rule at feasts, i. 204.

Rebecca and Isaac, i. 128, 129.

Redemption through the Word, i. 100–105.

Religion in ordinary life, i. 327.

Repentance, an earnest exhortation to, i. 87, etc.; the nature of, ii. 17; first and second, 35–37.

Reproach, i. 157.

Reproof, i. 157, 158, 166, 169.

Reprover, the, i. 172.

Respect of persons, none with God, ii. 340.

Responsibility, the, i. 92.

Revelling, i. 215.

Revenge, i. 160.

Rhetoric, i. 376.

Rich, the believer alone is, i. 298; ii. 13.

Rich man, the, and Lazarus, i. 15.

Riches, i. 212–214, 298.

Righteous man, the, ii. 285, 331.

Righteousness, true riches, i. 299.

Righteousness, the Sun of, i. 102.

Ring, a, engraven with the images of the gods, prohibited by Pythagoras, ii. 237.

Rings, on the wearing of, i. 315–317.

Robe of the high priests, its symbolic import, ii. 243, 244, 245.

Roman emperors, the, i. 444.

Ῥόμβος, i. 30, note.

Royalty, different kinds of, i. 455, 456.

Sabazian mysteries, the, i. 29.

Sacrifices, the, of the law, ii. 429.

Sacrifices, the, of the heathen to their gods, the absiirdity of, ii. 427, etc.

Sacrifices, the cruelty of some of the heathen, i. 48, etc.

Sailing on land forbidden by Pythagoras, ii. 237.

Salvation, i. 82, 132, 382; one unchangeable gift of, ii. 366.

Sambuca, the, i. 402, and note.

Samson, i. 321.

Samuel sent to anoint David, i. 281.

Sappho, i. 237.

Sarah, i. 368, 369; her laughter, ii. 262.

Sardanapalus, i. 322, 323; ii. 67.

Sarmanæ, i. 399.

Sauromatæ, the, i. 67.

Saved, something greater than being, ii. 367.

Saviour, the, i. 98; His supreme dignity, ii. 13; free from human affections, 344; the Son of God, 410.

Scents, i. 234.

Scripture, the criterion for distinguishing between truth and heresy, ii. 476, etc.

Scriptures, the, i. 82; the Hebrew, translated into Greek, 375; human knowledge necessary to the understanding of, 379.

Scythians, the, i. 290.

Seal-rings, i. 315–317.

Sects or schools of philosophy, i. 392.

Seducer, the, i. 23.

Seeing double, an effect of much wine, i. 203.

Seeing God, i. 25, 415.

Self-conceit, the cure of, ii. 480.

Self-restraint or self-control, ii. 48, 61, 454.

Self-sufficiency, Christian, i. 182.

Selling and buying, i. 328.

Sepulchres of the gods, i. 50, 51.

Serapis, i. 54, 424.

Serpent, the, that deceived Eve, i. 23, 100; why called wise, ii. 396.

Servants, the numerous, pandering to luxury, i. 292.

Sesostris orders a statue of Serapis to be made, i. 54.

Seven, the number, ii. 388–390.

Seventh day, the, ii. 386, 390; testimonies from heathen authors to, 284, 285.

Shaving, ignoble, i. 285, 317.

Shades and demons, i. 50.

Shechemites, the, i. 283.

Shepherd, Jesus the, i. 149; the good, 462.

Shoes, what sort to be worn, i. 264, 265.

Sibyl, the, quoted, i. 36, 55, 64, 72, 76, 284, 425; ii. 90, 285, 288; her power of divination, i. 398; others of the name, 425.

Silk and the silk-worm, i. 258.

Similitudes an important part of instruction, i. 304.

Simmias of Rhodes quoted, ii. 249.

Simonides, i. 232.