Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/554

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Simplicity of dress recommended, i. 271.

Sin, irrational, i. 184; condemned by the Gnostic, ii. 360; the source of, 482.

Sins, how the Instructor treats our, i. 115; resulting from voluntary action, ii. 38, etc.

Six, the number, ii. 388.

Sleep, the regulation of, i. 240, etc.; Christians not to indulge in, as others, 241–243.

Smiling, i. 220.

Sneezing at banquets, i. 229.

Socrates quoted or referred to, i. 393, 414; ii. 68, 175.

Sodomites, the, i. 306.

Solomon, i. 427, 436.

Solon quoted, i. 49, 50, 362; ii. 269, 389, 390.

Son, the, the Ruler and Saviour of all, ii. 409, etc.

Son of God, the Instructor, i. 114.

Songs, amatory, prohibited, i. 218.

Songs of praise to God, i. 216.

Sophistical arts useless, i. 376.

Sophistry, i. 376.

Sophists, the, condemned, i. 362, 363.

Sophocles quoted, i. 73, 86, 203, 313; ii. 141, 234, 286, 287, 291, 294.

Soul, the, the threefold division of, i. 273.

Soul, the pure, an image of God, ii. 417; of a most excellent temper, 427.

Sow, the, forbidden to be eaten, ii. 251.

Speaking, filthy, i. 222–224.

Spectacles, public, to be discountenanced, i. 326, 327.

Speech, the regulation of, at banquets, i. 228.

Speech and writing compared, i. 351, etc.

Speech, good, inferior to good action, i. 381–383.

Speusippus quoted, ii. 12.

Sphynxes, the Egyptian, their symbolic import, ii. 239, 249.

Sports, divine, i. 128, 129.

Stoics, the, i. 385; ii. 59.

Stones, the, in the robe of the high priest, ii. 243, 244.

Stones and stocks, silly people, i. 19.

Stromata, the, of Clement, i. 361; meaning of the word, ii. 140, etc.

Sun, the, and stars, given to the Gentiles to worship, ii. 368.

Superstition, i. 50, 57, 58, ii. 25; the source of, 421.

Superstitious man, the, described, ii. 422, 423.

Susanna, i. 194.

Swallow, the, of Pythagoras, ii. 236.

Swearing avoided by the Gnostic, ii. 442–444.

Swine, the flesh of, forbidden to the Jews, i. 326, ii. 429.

Swine, casting one's pearls before, i. 388.

Syllogism and demonstration, ii. 493.

Symbolic style, the, employed by poets and philosophers, ii. 247.

Symbols, the reasons for veiling the truth in, ii. 254.

Symbols, the, of the Egyptians, of sacred things, ii. 245, etc.

Symbols, the, of Pythagoras, ii. 236.

Syrens, the, i. 383.

Tabernacle, the, and its furniture, the mystical meaning of, ii. 240; and its geometrical proportions, 354.

Table of shew-bread, the, ii. 42; its geometrical proportions, meaning of, 354.

Tables, the two, of the law, their mystical significance, ii. 383, 385.

Tact, the importance of, in king or general, i. 456, 457.

Tatian referred to, i. 355.

Taxes, ii. 342.

Teaching, motives in, to be examined, i. 352.

Teacher, the, intimations of the advent of, ii. 404.

Teachers of others ought to excel in virtue, ii. 444–446.

Teaching, the, of our Lord, its duration, ii. 486.

Temperance, i. 193, 201, 202, 242; ii. 248.

Temples, the Egyptian, what they illustrate, i. 276.

Temptation, the, of our Lord, i. 380.

Ten, the number, ii. 383, 384.

Terrors of the law, the, ii. 21.

Thales, i. 394, 395; ii. 278.

Thamar, i. 369.

Thanksgiving, ii. 436.

Theano referred to or quoted, i. 404; ii. 159, 195.

Thearidas' book On Nature quoted, ii. 296, 297.

Theft and falsehood, i. 420.

Theocritus quoted, i. 90.