Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 3.djvu/497

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Thysbe, 443.

Time of making the world, 380.

Tow smeared with pitch, 407.

Tower of Babel, the, 297.

Transformation, a strange, wrought on Faustinianus by Simon Magus, 459.

Tree of knowledge, the, God justified in forbidding man to eat of the fruit of, 90.

Tree of life, oil from the, 173.

Tripolis, the disciples at, 336; departure from, 338.

Truth, the, being conquered by, 209; error cannot stand with, 215; not the property of all, 255; self-evidence of, 256; veiled with love, 270.

Types and forms, 385.

Types, natural, 8284.

Tyrians, the relations of, with the Hebrews, 125.

Unbelief and faith, 305.

Unclean, the, separation from, 238; not to be eaten with, 353.

Unclean spirits, 239.

Unity of God, the, 219.

Useless things, why made, 387.

Venus, the origin of, 439; allegory of, 449.

Vile things, why made by God, 386, 387.

Virtue, arrangements of the world, to secure the exercise of, 404.

Voice of God, what, 38.

Walking, why is God described as? 88.

War and strife, proclaimed by Christ, 211, 213.

Water, the power of, illustrating divine providence, 370.

Water, born of, 332; regeneration by, 405, 407.

Waters, the, things proceeding from, blessed, signification of this, 83.

Wedding garment, baptism the, 302; to be kept unspotted, 302.

Wicked, the, the success of, in this life, a proof of immortality, 259; and righteous, chastisement of, 389.

Will, the freedom of the, 246, 247.

Will of God, irresistible, 249.

Wives, a community of, taught by Plato, 111.

Womb, the, 379.

Women, Christian, vindicated, 37.

Word, the, the world created by, 74, 75; begotten of the Father, conversed with man in Paradise, 88.

Workman, the old, discussion with, 359; turns out to be Clement's father, 421, etc.

Works, God known by His, 57.

Works, good, the necessity of, 333.

World, the, the Christian doctrine of the creation of, 9; Hesiod on the origin of, 69, 70; made by the Word, 74, 75; remarks on the creation of, 79; compared to a sea, 81; made out of nothing by a creator, 369; time of the creation of,—why not made long before? 380; arrangements of, to secure the exercise of virtue, 404.

World, the, after the flood, 164.

Worship, due to God only, 312.

Worship of heroes, 298.

Worshippers of God, who are, 324.

Worshippers of the gods, like the gods they worship, 450.

Writings, the, of the Hebrews and Greeks contrasted, 129.

Zacchaeus, 205; appointed by Peter bishop of Cæsarea, 275; rescued Aquila and Niceta from Simon Magus, 355.

Zoroaster or Mesraim, a son of Ham, regarded as the author of the magic art, 297; adored, 297, 208.