Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 6.djvu/17

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13. His Doctrine of Emanation further expanded, 209
14. Simon interprets his System by the mythological Representation of Helen of Troy—gives an Account of himself in connection with the Trojan Heroine—Immorality of his Followers—Simon's View of Christ—the Simonists' Apology for their Vice, 210
15. Simon's Disciples adopt the Mysteries—Simon meets St. Peter at Rome—Account of Simon's closing Years, 213
16. Heresy of Valentinus—derived from Plato and Pythagoras, 214
17. Origin of the Greek Philosophy, 216
18. Pythagoras' System of Numbers, 216
19. Pythagoras' Duality of Substances—his "Categories," 218
20. Pythagoras' Cosmogony—similar to that of Empcdocles, 219
21. Other Opinions of Pythagoras, 220
22. The "Sayings" of Pythagoras, 221
23. Pythagoras' Astronomic System, 223
24. Valentinus convicted of Plagiarisms from the Platonic and Pythagoric Philosophy—the Valentinian Theory of Emanation by Duads, 224
25. The Tenet of the Duad made the Foundation of Valentinus' System of the Emanation of Æons, 227
26. Valentinus' Explanation of the Existence of Christ and the Spirit, 229
27. Valentinus' Explanation of the Existence of Jesus—Power of Jesus over Humanity, 231
28. The Valentinian Origin of the Creation, 233
29. The other Valentinian Emanations in conformity with the Pythagorean System of Numbers, 234
30. Valentinus' Explanation of the Birth of Jesus—Twofold Doctrine on the Nature of Jesus' Body—Opinion of the Italians, that is, Heracleon and Ptolemæus—Opinion of the Orientals, that is, Axionicus and Bardesanes, 236
31. Further Doctrines of Valentinus respecting the Æons—Reasons for the Incarnation, 237
32. Valentinus convicted of Plagiarisms from Plato, 239
33. Secundus' System of Æons—Epiphanes—Ptolemæus, 241
34. System of Marcus—a mere Impostor—his wicked Devices upon the Eucharistic Cup, 243
35. Further Acts of Jugglery on the part of Marcus, 244
36. The heretical Practices of the Marcites in regard of Baptism, 245
37. Marcus' System explained by Irenæus—Marcus' Vision—the Vision of Valentinus revealing to him his System, 246
38. Marcus' System of Letters, 249