Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 6.djvu/18

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39. The Quaternion exhibits "Truth," 250
40. The Name of Christ Jesus, 251
41. Marcus' mystic Interpretation of the Alphabet, 251
42. His System applied to explain our Lord's Life and Death, 253
43. Letters, Symbols of the Heavens, 254
44. Respecting the Generation of the Twenty-four Letters, 255
45. Why Jesus is called Alpha, 257
46. Marcus' Account of the Birth and Life of our Lord, 258
47. The System of Marcus shown to be that of Pythagoras by Quotations from the Writings of Marcus' Followers, 259
48. Their Cosmogony framed according to these mystic Doctrines of Letters, 262
49. The Work of the Demiurge perishable, 263
50. Marcus and Colarbasus refuted by Irenæus, 264
Contents, 265
1. Heresy compared to (1) the Stormy Ocean, (2) the Rocks of the Sirens—Moral from Ulysses and the Sirens, 266
2. The System of Basilides derived from Aristotle, 267
3. Sketch of Aristotle's Philosophy, 268
4. Aristotle's general Idea, 268
5. Nonentity as a Cause, 269
6. Substance, according to Aristotle—the Predicates, 269
7. Aristotle's Cosmogony—his "Psychology"—his "Entelecheia"—his Theology—his Ethics—Basilides follows Aristotle, 271
8. Basilides and Isidorus allege Apostolic Sanction for their Systems—they really follow Aristotle, 273
9. Basilides adopts the Aristotelian Doctrine of "Nonentity," 274
10. Origin of the World—Basilides' Account of the "Sonship," 275
11. The "Great Archon" of Basilides, 279
12. Basilides adopts the "Entelecheia" of Aristotle, 280
13. Further Explanation of the "Sonship," 282
14. Whence came the Gospel—the Number of Heavens according to Basilides—Explanation of Christ's Miraculous Conception, 283
15. God's Dealings with the Creature—Basilides' Notion of (1) the Inner Man, (2) the Gospel—his Interpretation of the Life and Sufferings of our Lord, 286
16. The System of Saturnilus, 289