Page:Ante-Nicene Fathers volume 1.djvu/186

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of the most honourable of all names,[1] in those bonds which I bear about, I commend the churches, in which I pray for a union both of the flesh and spirit of Jesus Christ, the constant source of our life, and of faith and love, to which nothing is to be preferred, but especially of Jesus and the Father, in whom, if we endure all the assaults of the prince of this world, and escape them, we shall enjoy God.

churches, in which I pray for a union both of the flesh and spirit of Jesus Christ, "who is the Saviour of all men, but specially of them that believe;"[2] by whose blood ye were redeemed; by whom ye have known God, or rather have been known by Him;[3] in whom enduring, ye shall escape all the assaults of this world: for "He is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which ye are able."[4]

Chap. ii.I rejoice in your messengers.

Since, then, I have had the privilege of seeing you, through Damas your most worthy bishop, and through your worthy presbyters Bassus and Apollonius, and through my fellow-servant the deacon Sotio, whose friendship may I ever enjoy, inasmuch as

Since, then, I have had the privilege of seeing you, through Damas your most worthy[5] bishop, and through your worthy[5] presbyters Bassus and Apollonius, and through my fellow-servant the deacon Sotio, whose friendship may I ever enjoy,[6] inasmuch as he, by the grace of God, is subject to the bishop and presbytery, in the law

  1. Literally, "of the most God-becoming name," referring either to the appellation "Theophorus," or to that of "martyr" or "confessor."
  2. 1 Tim. iv. 10.
  3. Comp. Gal. iv. 9.
  4. 1 Cor. x. 13.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Literally, "worthy of God."
  6. Literally, "whom may I enjoy."