Page:Anti-mass panphlet.djvu/21

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obsessed with “communicating” or "relating” to the movement. What concerns it is the amount of noise-incessant phone calls, form letters, announcements of meetings, etc.-that passes for communication. It is time we gave more thought to what we say and how we say it.

What exactly do we mean by contact? We want to begin by taking the bureaucracy out of communication. The idea is to begin modestly. Contact is a touching on all sides. The essential thing about it is its directness and reliability. Eyeball to eyeball.

Other forms of communication-telephone, letters, documents, etc.-should never be used as substitutes for direct contact. In fact, they should serve primarily to prepare contacts.

Why is it so important to have direct contact? Because it is the simplest form of communication. Moreover, it is physical and involves all the senses-most of all the sense of smell. For this reason it is reliable. It also takes account of the real need for security. Those who talk about repression continue to pass around sheets of paper asking for names, addresses and telephone numbers.