Page:Anti-mass panphlet.djvu/22

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There are already a number of gatherings which appear to involve contact but in reality are grotesque facimiles. The worst of these and the one most people flock to is the conference. This is a hotel of the mind which turns us all into tourists and spectators. A lower form of existence is the endless meeting- the one that is held every night. Not to mention the committees formed expressly to arrange the meetings.

The basic principle of contact between collectives is: you only meet when you have something to say to each other. This means two things. First, that you have a concrete idea of what it is you want to say. Secondly, that you must prepare it in advance. These principles help to insure that communication does not become an administrative problem.

The new forms of contact have yet to be created. We can think of two simple examples. A member of one collective can attend the meeting of another collective or there may be a joint meeting of the groups

as a whole. The first of these appears to be the most practical, however, the drawback is that not everyone is involved. There arc undoubtedly other forms of contact which are likely to develop. The main thing is to invent them.