Page:Antidote against the infectious contagion of popery and tyranny.pdf/16

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moſt of the Princes of Germany, and Auſtrians and Dutch for his Allies abroad, but alſo the numerous diſaffected Proteſtants galled with the Yoke of Popery and Tyranny at home: Therefore there behoved to be kept up, upon the Nation's Expence, a numerous ſtanding Army, to overawe the Diſaffected at home and abroad, and oppoſe the Pretenſions of his Rival of Hanover. And how all this is to be ſupported by a People ſunk in Trade and Credit, waſted and brought low by Invaſions and inteſtine Commotions, and who muſt be continually at the Beck of the French and Spaniards to ſupport their tottering Throne, is beyond all human Conception.

Nor do we know of any Advantage that can be ſuppoſed to accrue to us from the Government of the Pretender which we enjoy not at preſent, if it be not (1.) That it would be the Mean of freeing us from the Burden of maintaining foreign Intereſts and expenſive Wars, wherein we ſeem to have no immediate Concern. And, (2.) That it would put a Period to the incorporating Union with England, and conſequently that Edinburgh, which hath ſuffered most thereby, would be reſtored its former flouriſhing Condition. But as two Blacks would not make one White, and that theſe Suppoſitions when taken in their utmoſt Latitude, are nowiſe proportionable to the fatal Conſequences that muſt inevitably accrue to Religion and the Country in general reſtoring the Pretender; So, however great a Grievance the former may be, yet not the King alone, but the Parliament alſo, are to blame for it: And, this be a good Reaſon for ſetting him aſide, it muſt ſtrike equally againſt the Parliament, and then we ſhall have a toom Houſe.

But, ſeparatim, Have our Jacobites firſt taken amicable Meaſures for obtaining Redreſs of theſe Grievances with the King and Parliaments who only have it in their power to ſatisfy them, before they made the preſent Inſurrection and have ſuch Means been abortive? If they have not, then ſurely it muſt be