Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/793

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LI-MA-HON LOMAS 755 park around, 287, Meiggs ; hospital for Indians, III, 750, Loayza ; insurrection in, II, 486, Flutes, J. J. ; miracles in, canonization, V, 70, Porrez ; cathedral, 1, 212, Becerra; TV, 197 ; 437, Fernandez de Cordova : 197 ; illustration, 551, Ocampo, G. de ; temple of Los Desamparados. II, 436, Fernandez de Castro : university, endowment to, I, 232. Benavides ; VI, 128, Toledo, G. ; Roeafuerte's tomb, illustration, V, 291. Li-Ma-Hon, the corsair. III, 581, Labezares. Limbs, artificial, invention of. III. 433. Jevcett, G. B. Lime-kilns, construction of, II, 127, Delafield, Joseph. Lilian, Gen. Pascual, III, 368. Linares, city of, founded, IV, 237, Martinez de Rosas. Lincoln, Abraham, his journey to Washington, II, 429 ; Greeley's share in the nomination of, 739 ; letter of, III, 250 ; home of, illustration, 717 ; statues of. 718, 720. 721 : life-mask, 723 ; monument to, 726 ; fac-simile of letter by. 724 ; house where he died, 722 ; arrest for complicity in his murder, II, 500, Ford, J. T. Lincoln, Earl of, III. 443, Johnson, A. Lincoln, John, III. 715. Lincoln, A. Lincoln, Josiah, III. 715, Lincoln, A. Lincoln, Mordecai, III, 715, Lincoln, A. Lincoln, Samuel, III, 715, Lincoln, A. ; IV, 750, Phelps, Almira H. L. Lincoln, Thomas. Ill, 715, Lincoln, A.; 728, Lincoln, B. Lincoln Tower, III, 43, Hall, Newman. Lincoln university, II. 170, Dickey, J. M. Lind, Jenny, II, 194, Dodge, O. E. first seat for her first concert, 625, Genin. Lindau, W. A., III. 322, Hunter, J. D. Lindenschmidt, William, pupils of, V, 514, Shirlaw ; VI, 207, Ulrich. Lindenwald, estate of, VI, 232. Lindenwood college. Mo., founded, V, 520, Sibley, G. C. Lindl, Ignatius, V, 417, Schauffler. Lindsey, T. N., in, 731, Lindsey, D. W. Lingg, Louis, V, 632, Spies. Liniers, Gen., V, 362, Saavedra, C; VI, 480. Whitelocke. Linna?an society, the New England, V, 3, Pickering, O. Linna;us. I, 684, Colden, C: II, 177, Diereville ; IV, 1, Loc- king ; 3, Logan, J.; V, 311. Rolander. Linnet, the, and the Eagle, fight of, V, 125, Pring. Linsly, Noah, III, 733, Linsly, Jared. LTnsurgente, the, capture of, I. 22 : VI, 170, Trvxtun. Lion, explosion of the steamboat, III, 456, Johnston. J. S. Lioness, burning of the steamer, VI, 469, White, E. D. Lion of Belfort, the, I, 183, Bartholdi. Lippett, Col., Ill, 473, Jones, W. Lippincott. Leander K., Ill, 735, Lippincott, S. J. Lippincott's Magazine, III, 554, Kirk, J. F. 734, Lippin- cott, J. B. ; V, 587, Smith, L. P. Lipscomb, Joel, III, 735, Lipscomb, A. S. Liquids and solids, equivalent volumes of, III, 319, Hunt, T. Sterry. Lisbon earthquake, the, II, 526, Frankland. Lisburne, Viscount, VI, 268, Vaughan, Sir J. Lisgar, Baron, VI, 648. Young, Sir J. Lisle, Baron de, II, 482, Fleurieu. Lisle, Bridget, VI, 219, Usher, H Lisle, John, III, 220, Hoar, L. Lislet. Louis Moreau, III, 746 ; V, 611. Lispenard meadows, the, III, 737, Lispenard. Liston, I, 473, Burton. Liszt, Franz, II, 63, 64, Damrosch ; III, 228. Hoffman, R. H. ; IV, 248, Mason, W. Litchfield, Conn., law-school, V, 213, Reeve, T. Litchfield, N. H., Indian grant at, IV, 668. Passaconaway. Literary America, projected magazine, V, 46. Literary leather-dresser, the. sobriquet, II, 222, Dowse. Literary Life, magazine, I, 656. Literary Magazine and American Register, the, I, 397. Literature lotteries, VI, 638, Yates, J. B. Lithography, introduced into the U. S., Ill, 353, Inman, H. ; IV, 604, Otis ; drawings for, 506, Newsam. Lithotomy, II, 242, Dudley, B. W. Lithotrity, introduction of, I, 403, Brown, S. Litterateur, first professional, I, 397, Brown, C. B. Littell, Malvina Pray, II, 485, Florence, W. J. Little, Grace A., IV, 575, Oliver, G. A. Little. William, III, 738, Little, S. L. Little Academy club, the, I, 34. Little Beard's town, III, 424, Jemison, M. Little Belt, capture of the, I, 570. Champlin, S. Little Ben, sobriquet. VI, 685, Harrison. Little Big Horn, battle of the, II, 6, Crazy Horse • 44 ; V, 543, Sitting Bull ; controversy on, VI. 492, Whittaker, F. Little David, the, torpedo cigar-boat, V, 187, Ravenel, St. Julien. Little Egg Harbor, shipping destroyed at, II, 433, Ferguson, P.; engagement at, V, 133, Pulaski. Littlefield, Catherine, II, 753. Greene, iV. Little Giant, the. sobriquet, II. 213, Douglas, S. A. Little Holland House. London, IV, 122, McHenry. Little Magician, the, sobriquet, VI. 233. Little Missenden Abbey, I, 96, Arnold, E. G. Little Mountain, fight at, III, 359, Irvine. W. Little Phil, sobriquet. V, 500, Sheridan. Little Pilgrim, the, magazine, HI, 735, Lippincott, S. J. Little Pittsburg mine, the. VI, 17, Tabor. Little Rock, battle of, IV, 306. Merrill, L. Little Six, Chief, IV, 140, MacLaren, R. N. Live-Oak George, III, 636, Late, G. Liver, the glycogenic function of the, II, 484, Flint, A. Livermore, Rev. Daniel P., Ill, 740. Livermore, M. A. Liverpool, gifts to, I, 394, Brown, W. Living Age, Littell's, III, 737. Livingston, Catherine, II, 608, Garretson. F. Livingston, Cora, I, 188, Barton, T. P.; V, 606, Somerville. Livingston, Cornelia. IV, 555. CConor. Livingston, Crawford, VI, 429, Wells, H. Livingston, Edwin Brockholst, III. 747. Livingston, Eliza, III, 744. Livingston, J. W. Livingston, Elizabeth, III, 638, Laicrance ; V, 583, Smith, Peter. Livingston, Gertrude. Ill, 705, Lewis. M. Livingston, Gilbert, III, 741, Livingston, R.; 747, J. H. Livingston, Janet, III, 744, Livingston. R. R. Livingston, Joanna, VI. 237. Van Cortlandt, Pierre. Livingston, Rev. John, III, 741, Livingston, R. Livingston, Lewis. Ill, 746. Livingston, Margaret, V, 737, Stuyvesant, N. W.; VI, 284, Vetch. Livingston, Maria C, V, 674, Stevens, J. C. Livingston, Sarah V., Ill, 411, Jay, John ; 742, Livingston, William. Livingston house in Brooklyn, illustration, HI, 742 ; near Elizabeth, 743. Livingston Manor, the, III, 741, Livingston, R. Livingstone, Dr. David, search for, V, 645, Stanley, H. M.; 657, Stearns, W. F. Livius of Anahuac, the, III, 372, Ixtlilxochitl. Lizano'. H, 436, Fernandez, P. Llai-llai valley, battle in, I. 734, Copahue. Llano, Gen.,. til, 367, Iturbide. Llano Estacado, the, V, 68, Pope. John. Llewellyn Park, N. J., Ill, 110. Haskell, L. S. Lloque Yupanqui, inca, IV, 178, Maita Capac. Lloyd, Ann6, VI, 116, Tilghman, M. Lloyd, Elizabeth, V, 257, Ringgold. S. Lloyd, Fanny, II, 610, Garrison, W. L. Lloyd, Grace, III, 7, Growdon, G. Lloyd, Mary. IV, 532, Norris. I. Lloyd, Miss, IV, 28, Loring, Joshua. Lloyd, Rachel, IV, 70, Mabery. Lloyd, Capt. Thomas, IV, 323, Miles, S. Lloyd's Neck, L. I., capture of Tories, at, VI, 25, Tall- madge. Loaiza, Garcia. II. 318, Elcano. Loarte, Gabriel. VI, 180, Tupac-Amaru. Lochiel, Cameron's residence, illustration, I. 509. Locke, Jane E., II. 510, Foster. Hannah. Locke, John. II, 311, Edwards, J.; philosophy of , 344 ; IV, 714, Penn, W. Locke, John G., Ill, 751, Locke, J. E. Locke, Joseph, IV, 599. Osgood, F. S. Locke, Michael, VI, 227, Valtrianos-. Locker, Frederick, III. 602, Lampson. Lockridge, II, 210. Doubleday. C. W. Locks, etc., invention of, I, 283, Blake. E. W.; inventor of time and other, V, 397, Sargent, J.: combination, inven- tion of a, 560, Smith, D. M.: invention, VI, 636, Yale, L.; clock, double, and combination, 637. Lock wood. Dr. Ezekiel, III, 751, Lockwaod, B. A. B. Lock wood island. III, 752, Lockteood, J. B. Lockyer, Miss, III. 414, Jefferson, J. Loco-foco party, the, I, 417, Brownson, O. A. Locomotive Chase, the, IV, 342, Mitch el, O. M. Locomotives, improvements in, I. 149, Baldwin, M. W. the first, in America, 731 ; inventions, II. 364 : improve- ments in, III, 213, Hinkley, H. IV, 248, Mason, M. W. differential pulley, a, V, 409, Saxton. Locust Grove, TV, 427. Lo de Ovejo, battle at. I, 493. Cadena ; II, 167, Diaz. Lodging-houses, model, III, 639, Lawrence, A. Lodowick, Lieut.-Col. C, I, 198, Bayard, N. Loefftz, Ludwig, pupils of, III, 569, Koehler, R. ; VI, 190, Twacht)nan ; 207, Ulrich. ' Loeschhorn, II, 300. Eddy, H. C. Loessing, Herman, III, 342. Ignacio. Logan, Hannah, V, 586, Smith, J. Logan, Hart, IV. 7, Logan, Sir W. E. Logan, James, IV, 7, Logan. Sir W. E. Logan act, the, IV, 4, Logan, G. Loganian library, Philadelphia, IV, 4, Logan, James and William ; gift of rare books to, 134, Mackenzie, W. Logan's Cross-Roads, VI, 79. Thomas, G. H. Logan's Fort, Ky., Indian attack on, IV. 2, Logan, B. Log-cabin and hard-cider campaign, the, I, '643 ; III, 98 ; songs of, 288, Hoxie, J.; V. 327. Ross, A. C. Log college, the, I, 208. Beatty ; VI, 62. Tennent, W. Logias Yorkinas. the, I, 60, Alpuche e Infante. Logroflo, Spain, church in. I, 488, Cabaliero. L<v-scale, the Spaulding. V, 624, Spaulding, N. W. Lok, Michael. Ill, 28, Hakluyt. L'Olonnais, pirate, IV. 315, Michel, J. L. 481, Nau. Lomaeo, battle of, I. 694, Colocolo. Lomas de Tecoac, battle of, II, 676, Gonzalez, M.