Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/794

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756 LOMENIE LUMSDEN Lomenie, M. de. papers discovered by. III. 606, Lee, A. London, lodging-houses for the poor. IV, 688, Peabody, G. London Assurance, authorship of, I, 392. Brougham. London Company, the, II, 687-688, Gorges. Londonderry, Mass., founded, IV, 120. MacGreggor. London lawyer, the. III. 80, Hard;/. E. Long, Prof. G., Ill, 99, Harrison, Gessner. Long, Lucy. I, 612. Christy. G. N. Long, Peter B., VI, 592, W 'nod. E. B. Long, Maj. S. H.. exploring expedition of. Ill, 397, James, E. Long Cane, battle of. III. 387, Jackson, J. Longchamp, Dr.. II, 522, Francia. Longfellow, William. IV, 10. Longfelloir. S. Longfellow, H. W., his birthplace, illustration, IV, 11 ; his home, 12 ; fac-simile of his handwriting. 15 : his bust in Westminster Abbey, 14 ; original of a character in The Wayside Inn, 372. Monti ; subjects of poems by. V. 188, Pulaski; 225, Revere, Paul; 644, Standish, M.; VI, 435, Wentworth, B. Longford, Earl of. IV, 888, Pakenham. Long hair, society to protest against. IV, 542, NoweU, I. Long hunters, the. III. 567, Knox, James. Long Island, battle of, II. 188, De Lancey, O.; I, 48. Alex- ander, ir.; III. 852. Inman, G.; IV, 324, Miles ; V, 141 ; 491, Shelby, I. : VI, 377. Long Island, ranger general of, III, 471, Jones, Thomas ; Fort Neck house, illustration. 471. Long Island historical society, IV, 466, Murphy, H. C. ; gift to. V. 461, Seney, Q. I.: 634, Spooner, A. J. Longitude, first determined by lunar observations, I, 135, Baffin; measurements, II. 693, Gould, B. A.; observa- tions on, IV, 18, Loomis. E. Long John, sobriquet. VI, 436, Wentworth, J. Long"s Peak, IV, 10, Long, S. H. Longstreet. Judge, original of a character of, 1, 131, Bacon, Edmund. Longueuil, Sie»r de. III. 686, Le Moyne. Longwood. church at. III. 639, Lawrence. W. R. Loo Choo islands, dispute concerning, II, 723 ; IV, 77, McCartee, D. B. Loockermans, Govert. VI, 236, Van Cortlandt, O. Lookout Mountain, battle on, II, 330, Elliott, G. M.; Ill, 251. Hooker, J. Look-up Legion, the. III. 32. Hale, E. E. Looms, invention of, I, 260, Bigelow, E. B. ; II, 14, Comp- ton ; 111,564-565, Knowles : IV. 377. Moody, P.; 693, Pease, J. I. : first broadcloth, in Mass., II. 147, Derby, E. H., Jr. ; Lyall positive-motion, IV. 57, Lyall. Lopez, Miguel, II. 370. Escobedo. M. ; TV, 269. Lopez, Pancho. IV. 21, Lipez. F. S. Lord, Daniel, II. 385. Evarts, W. M. Lord. Samuel. II, 682, Goodwin, I. Lord Dunmore's war. I, 315. Lord Sydenham, the boat, III, 64, Hamilton, John. Loretto, Pa., village of. II, 580, Gallitzin. Loretto, sisterhood of. IV. 494, Nerinck.v. Lorgnette, the. IV. 346. Mitchell. D. G. Lorillard. Dorothea A., VI. 589. Wolfe, J. D. Loring, Edward G., IV. 190. Matin, H. Losada, I, 560, Ceballos ; 745. Corona, ; the bandit, II. 167. Los Adobes, battle at. III, 341, Igtesias, J. M. Los Altos, battle at, I, 535. Carrera, R. Los Angeles, projected Polish colony near, IV, 351, Mod- jeska ; capture of, V. 695, Stockton, R. F. Losantiville, II, 457, Filson. Los Dolores islands, discovered. VI, 34, Taraval. Los Reyes islands, discovered, III. 343, Ihering. Los Reyes. Lima, founded, V, 36, Pizarro. Los Rios, Francisco de, II. 267, Duran. Los Rios. Pedro de, V, 35. Pizarro. Lossing. B. J., quoted, III. 309, Hull, W. Lostaguenas. battle of, I. 304. Lothrop. Daniel, IV, 32. Lothrop. H. M. Lothrop. Rev. John, HI, 625, Lothrop, John ; IV, 438, Mot- ley. John L. Lotta, I, 763, Crabtree. Lotteries, I. 389, Brooks, P. C: established to publish a book in Brazil. II. 586. Gama, J. B. F.: Massachusetts land. IV, 592, Orr. H. ; for Union college, 539, Xott, E. ; Louisiana, I, 211, Beauregard ; II, 290, Early, J. A. Lotus, the, magazine. III. 528, Ketchum, A. C. Louera, Seixasy, III, 620. Laroche. A. de. Loughborough. Baron, VI, 418, Wedderburn. Louillier. Louis. III. 39. Hall, D. A. Louis of Bavaria, abdication of. IV, 368. Montez. Louis XIII.. grant by, III. 300. Hue t : IV. 309. Mesnard. Louis XIV.. II, 888, Emparan; 482, Flcury ; 554; 705, Gra ndmo nt. Louis XVI., II. 163. Dexter. T. ; 264 ; escape of, I. 329, Bnuille : II, 443. Fersen ; incident at the execution of, 485, Flohr: 507, Gardner, C. : 761, Grellet ; III, 586, Lafayette : 589 : plan to take him from Paris, imprison- ment, 589 ; manifesto of, VI. 279. Vev-nnes. Louis XVII., claimant to be. VI. 524. Williams, Eleazar. Louis XVIII.. restoration of, IV. 497. Neuville; plot, V, 611. Louis. Dr.. II. 698, Gerhard, W, W. Louisburg. expedition to. first suggestion of, VI, 269, Vaughan : capture of, I, 323. Boteaxoen : II. 680, (iil>- son; IV, 721, Pepper rell ; VI, 367, Warren, Sir P.; at- tack on, II, 279, Dwight, Joseph ; general thanksgiving for, 324, Eliot, Jared : fortress restored to France. III. 332 ; compensation for expenses, ibid. ; destruction of fortifications of, I, 487, Byron ; French victory off. IV. 445, Motte, E. A. Louise, Princess, IV, 29, Lome. Louise Home, the, I, 737. 738. Corcoran, W. W. Louise King home, the, Augusta, III, 541, King, L. W. Louisiana, founded, IU, 339, Iberville ; first French settle- ment in, IV, 525, Nivelles ; colonization of, III, 637, Law, John ; exploration of, IV, 302, Mercier. C. L. A. ; Span- ish missions in, 205, Margil ; conspiracy to take from Spain for England. I, 297, Blount, W. ; V. 315. Romeyu. N. ; cession of, to France, rv, 201, Marchal ; to the United States, I. 24 ; IV, 199, Marbois ; II. 482, Fleurieu : III, 421-422 ; 745, Livingston, R. R. ; IV, 359 ; I, 365 ; pro- posed retrocession of, to France (1798). IV, 601, Os- mond ; debate on the admission of, V. 152 ; admission of, II, 146, Derbigny ; conspiracy in, I, 297, Blount. II". : laws of, in 1804- , 5, UI, 746 : revision of code, ibid. ; Catholic institutions in, IV, 723. Perche ; party contest in. II, 721 : electoral contest in. IH, 137, 138 ; 320. Hunt, W. H. ; disputed election in, 507, Kellogg. W. P. ; the MacVeagh commission, IV, 162, MacVeooh ; swamp- lands given to, V, 192, Ray, J. ; political compromise in, VI, 455. Wheeler, W. A. Louisiana, the. defeat of the Yorktown by, IV, 467, Mur- ray, A. ; at Fort Fisher, V, 230, Rhind. Louisiana, the ram, blown up, VI, 310, Waddell, J. I. Louis Napoleon, I, 478, Butler. B. F. Louis Philippe, I, 466 ; III, 590, Lafayette ; IV, 589, Or- leans. Louisville, Ky., site of, I, 627 : Catholic institutions in, ni, 635, Lavialle; Baptist orphan home of. V. 573. Smith, J. L. ; university, medical department founded, V, 516, Short, C. W. Louisville Medical Review, the, HI, 5, Gross, S. D. Lourdes, pilgrimage to, II, 219, Dowd. Louvain, American college in, V. 619, Spalding, M. J. L'Ouverture, origin of the name, VI, 145. Lovat family, the, H, 537, Fraser, S. Love Lane, N. Y., II, 299. Eckford. Lovell, Gen. Solomon, V, 380, Saltonstall, D. Lovewell's Pond, centennial of the fight at, III, 730. Lin- coln. E. Low, Mr., IV, 488, Neil son, L. A. Lowe, Rev. Charles. IV. 38. Lowe. M. A. Lowe, Sir Hudson, II. 133, De Lancey, W. H. Lowe. William M.. VI, 454. Wheeler, J. Lowell, James Russell, quoted, n, 514, 515, Foster ; IV, 760 ; his house, illustration, IV, 40. Lowell, John, II, 707, Grant. Anne. Lowell, Mary T. S., V, 143. Putnam, M. T. S. L. Lowell, Miss, II, 707, Grant. Anne. Lowell, Percival. IV, 42, Lowell, J. Lowell, R. R., HI, 389, Jackson, P. T. Lowell. Mass.. site of, suggested, VI, 617, Worthen ; founded, I, 85. Applet on, N.; TV. 42, Ix>well, F. C; cot- ton-mills of, III, 638-639, Lawrence ; 389, Jackson, P. T. ; TV, 495, Nesmith, J. Lowell institute, the Boston, IV, 43, Lowell, J. Lowland Beauty, the. III. 667, Lee, H. Lowrey, James, HI, 6, Grow. Lowrie, Matthew B.. IV, 46, Lovrrie, J. M. Lowth. Dr. Robert, II, 466, Fisher, N.; IH, 317, Hunt, I. Lowville, N. Y.. IV, 38. Low, N. Loyal Foresters, the, I, 708, Connolly. Loyal Hanna, engagement at, I, 329, Bouquet. Loyall, Virginia, II, 414. Loyall, William, II, 414. Loyal publication society, the, V, 142, Putnam, G. P. Loyola college, Md.. gift to, V, 359, Ryan, A. J. Lozier, Abraham W., IV, 48, Lozier, C. S. Lozier, Chevalier de. II. 146. Derbigny. Lualaba river, the, V, 646, Stanley. Luard, John. IV, 48, Luard, R. G. A. Lubricants, invention for testing, VI, 110, Thurston. Lubricating-oil, discovery of. IV. 39, Lowe, W. W. Lubricator for machinery, invention of, V, 531, Silver. Lucas, Alexander, pupil of, VI, 402, Webb, G. J. Lucas, Frederick. A T . 49, Lucas, T. J. Lucas, William and Edward. IV. 48, Lucas, D. B. Lucius Crassus, pen-name, HI, 59. Luckner, M., II, 379. Eustace. Luck now. siege of, HI, 349, Inglis, J. E. W. Lucky Hill, IV. 282, Meade, R. K. Ludlow, Rev. H. G.. IV. 50, Ludlow, F. H. Ludlow, Israel, n. 457. Filson. Ludlow, Lieut.. HI. 640, Lawrence. J. Ludlow, Richard. IV. 51. Ludlow. J. Ludlow, Samuel B.. IV. 543, Noyes, W. C. Ludlow, Thomas W., II. 888, Goodwin, W. W. Ludwell. Col. Philip. HI. 664. Lee. T. Lui?o, Alonso Luis, V, 148, Quesada, G. J. Lukcns. Isaiah. A'. 100. Sa.rlon. Lumarraga, Archbishop. II. 135, Delgadillo. Luminais. F.varisti'. pupil of. V. 402. Sartain, E. Lumniis. Dr. W. N.. II. 327. Ellet. E. F. Lumsden, Francis A., HI, 513, Kendall, G. W.