Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/17

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chief. He was black, frightful, had the Shape of a Giant, of a prodigious Stature, and carried on his Head a great Glaſs-Box, ſhut with four Locks of fine Steel. He entered the Meadow with his Burden, which he laid down juſt at the Foot of the Tree where the two Princes were, who looked upon themſelves to be dead Men. Mean while, the Genie ſat down by his Box, and opening it with four Keys that he had at his Girdle, there came out a Lady magnificently apparelled, of a Majeſtick Stature, and a compleat Beauty. The Monſter made her ſit down by him, and eying her with an amorous Look: Lady (ſays he) nay, moſt accompliſted of all Ladies, who are admired for their Beauty, my charming Miſtreſs, whom I carried off on your Wedding-Day, and have loved ſo conſtantly ever ſince, let me ſleep a few Moments by you; for I found my ſelf ſo very ſleepy, that I came to this Place to take a little Reſt. Having ſpoke thus, he laid down his huge Head upon the Lady’s Knees, and ſtretching out his Legs, which reached as far as the Sea, he fell aſleep preſently, and ſnor’d ſo, that he made the Banks to eccho again.

The Lady happening at the ſame time to look up to the Tree ſaw the two Princes, and made a Sign to them with her Hand to come down without making any Noiſe. Their Fear was extraordinary, when they found themſelves diſcovered, and they prayed the Lady, by other Signs, to excuſe them; but ſhe, after having laid the Monſter’s Head ſoftly down, roſe up, and ſpoke to them with a low, but quick Voice, to come down to her; ſhe would take no Denial. They made Signs to her that they were afraid of the Genie, and would fain have been excuſed. Upon which ſhe order’d them to come down, and if they did not make haſte, threatned to awake the Giant, and bid him kill! them.

Thoſe Words did ſo much intimidate the Princes, that they began to come down with all poſſible Precautions, leſt they ſhould awake the Genie. When they came down, the Lady took them by the Hand, and going a little further with them under the Trees, made a very urgent Propoſal to them. At firft they rejected it, but ſhe obliged them to accept it by her Treats. Having obtained what
